


Moroccan ex-minister who defended government critics sentenced to five years

 Mohamed Ziane, an ex-Moroccan minister of human rights, was sentenced to five years in prison on Friday in a corruption case that his attorney described as retribution for outspokenness and work defending political prisoners. An appeals court in Rabat handed down the sentence after a hearing in which the frail 81-year-old Ziane — once known f...

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157 человек погибли в Эфиопии в результате схода оползней

Как минимум 157 человек погибли в Эфиопии в результате схода оползней. Данные о числе погибших предварительные - поиск людей продолжается, передает Tengrinews.kz. "Во вторник правительственные чиновники заявили, что число погибших в результате двух оползней на юге Эфиопии возросло до 157 человек и может еще увеличиться", - сообщает Newscentral.afri...

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Risk of life imprisonment for Martin Joseph Figueira, Portuguese humanitarian worker

 The Central African Republic government has accused Portuguese-Belgian national Martin Joseph Figueira of espionage on behalf of certain Western countries, including the United States. During a press conference at the Presidential Palace, President Archange Touadera's advisor clarified the situation regarding the member of the American NGO FH...

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Cholera outbreak: Medical experts, government move to curb spread

 The Nigerian government is currently grappling with a cholera outbreak that has swept through the West African nation. As authorities work tirelessly to contain the spread of this diarrheal disease, medical experts are urging residents to maintain proper hygiene when handling food and liquids. Dr. Adewale Adeleye emphasized that thorough hand...

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Bangladesh's highest court scales back government job quotas

 Bangladesh's top court on Sunday scaled back a controversial quota system for government jobs after it led to deadly nationwide unrest. At least 100 people are believed to have died in the violence as the government imposed a communications blackout and protesters clashed with security forces. In its verdict, the Supreme Court ordered 93 per ...

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Nigeria doubles minimum wage for Government workers after strikes

 Public sector workers in Nigeria on the minimum wage will see their salaries double after the government reached an agreement on Thursday with labour unions that have been threatening further strikes as the cost of living spirals. blicThe new minimum monthly wage is set at 70,000 naira ($44), six times lower than what the unions were demandin...

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Африка — кадровый резерв России?

Повод для нашего сегодняшнего разговора одновременно важный и в массовом восприятии достаточно болезненный. Ресурс hh.ru провел анализ вакансий, размещаемых работодателями в привязке к географическим регионам планеты, и опубликовал достаточно неожиданные данные. Выяснилось, что российские компании и организации теперь меньше ищут работников, наприм...

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Congo/IMF: Civil society criticizes fund management

 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) Executive Board has approved the disbursement of approximately 43 million dollars to the Congolese government under the extended credit facility initiated in 2022. This approval comes after four reviews of the three-year program, highlighting the economic effectiveness of the structural reforms implemente...

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UAE lifts 2022 visa ban on Nigerians

 The United Arab Emirates has lifted a 21-month long visa ban on Nigerians. Nigeria's information minister Mohammed Idris said Monday that the UAE's decision to lift the ban that has been in place since October 2022 came after "mutually beneficial negotiations" between both governments. He referred to "updated controls and conditions" that pro...

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Nairobi quarry unveils grim truth as suspected serial killer confesses to 42 murders

 In Kenya, authorities have apprehended a suspected serial killer after uncovering multiple bodies at a quarry in Nairobi. On Monday, Mohamed Amin, the head of the Criminal Investigations Directorate, announced that 33-year-old Jumaisi Khalusha confessed to killing 42 women, including his wife, since 2022. The suspect was apprehended in a bar ...

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Ivory Coast rolls out malaria vaccine drive targeting children

Health workers in Ivory Coast began vaccinations on Monday against malaria, the leading cause of death of children in the country, as the government added the malaria vaccine to the list of routine vaccinations for children. The West African country became the first to start rolling out the newest shot targeting malaria in an effort that aims to co...

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Гости из Африки приехали на Ставрополье для обмена опытом

На Ставрополье для обмена опытом приехали гости из Уганды, Зимбабве и Буркина-Фасо. Образовательные и культурные программы стали доступны благодаря проекту популяризации русского языка и российского образования в странах Африки. Участникам рассказали об «умных» методах ведения сельского хозяйства, познакомили с инновациями в производстве мясной и м...

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Российские компании готовы начать сборку автодеталей в Нигерии

Российские производители автомобильных запчастей могут в 2025 году приступить к сборке своей продукции в Нигерии. Об этом сообщил «Известиям» торговый представитель РФ в этой стране Максим Петров. «В этом году пройдут подготовительные мероприятия, чтобы в 2025 году началось производство [автодеталей]. Несколько предприятий рассказали, что очень заи...

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Танзания и ЮАР вошли в топ наиболее интересных направлений для туристов в Африке

Танзания и ЮАР вошли в топ наиболее интересных направлений для туристов в Африке, сообщает RT со ссылкой на исследование экспертов. Аналитики выяснили, что Танзания привлекает туристов своей природой и комфортным пляжным отдыхом. Более того, там одно из самых захватывающих сафари. На территории страны расположены всемирно известные национальные пар...

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UN extends BINUH mandate as international efforts intensify to stabilize Haiti

The UN Security Council has approved a resolution extending the mandate of the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) for an additional year. Antonio Rodrigue, Haiti's Permanent Representative to the UN, stated, "The Haitian government, through my office, welcomes the unanimous adoption of resolution 2743, which extends BINUH's mandate f...

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At least 60 missing in Nepal after two buses swept into a river

Rescuers in Nepal continued their search on Friday for survivors after two buses were swept off a key highway into the Trishuli River in the early hours of the morning. At least 60 people are missing, while three others who swam to safety and are being treated in a nearby hospital. The buses were travelling on a highway connecting the capital to so...

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Daily Mail: слоны растоптали туриста на глазах у невесты в заповеднике Африки

Слоны втоптали в землю мужчину на глазах у его невесты и друзей в заповеднике Африки. Об этом сообщает Daily Mail. Инцидент произошел с 43-летним испанцем Карлосом Луной во время экскурсии с невестой и двумя друзьями в заповеднике Пиланесберг. Мужчина захотел сфотографировать стадо слонов крупным планом, поэтому близко подошел к животным. Другие ту...

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Minibus crash in South Africa kills 12 schoolchildren and driver

 Twelve schoolchildren and their driver were killed in South Africa on Wednesday when their minibus overturned and caught fire on a road in Gauteng province, officials said. The accident took place a day after schools reopened after the winter holidays. Seven other children were injured in the accident, which took place in the town of Merafong...

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Elephants trample a Spanish tourist to death in South Africa

Elephants trampled to death a Spanish tourist at a South African wildlife reserve after he left his vehicle and approached a herd to take photographs, police and local government authorities said Tuesday. The 43-year-old man was killed on Sunday at Pilanesberg National Park in North West province, about 180 kilometers (111 miles) from Johannesburg,...

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South Africa : Nearly 1,000 homes in Cape Town destroyed by storms

 Nearly 1,000 homes in informal settlements in Cape Town, South Africa, have been destroyed by gale-force winds, displacing around 4,000 people, authorities and an aid organization said as the city braces for a week of damaging storms. South African weather authorities said Monday that Cape Town and surrounding areas are expected to be hit by ...

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