


Nigeria doubles minimum wage for Government workers after strikes

 Public sector workers in Nigeria on the minimum wage will see their salaries double after the government reached an agreement on Thursday with labour unions that have been threatening further strikes as the cost of living spirals. blicThe new minimum monthly wage is set at 70,000 naira ($44), six times lower than what the unions were demandin...

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Airlines, businesses, media outlets hit by global IT disruption

 Flights, banks, media outlets and companies across the world were disrupted by a major internet outage affecting Microsoft on Friday morning. The chief executive of CrowdStrike the cybersecurity company at the heart of the outage said it was gradually fixing the issue adding there was a defect in a "single content update for Windows hosts." P...

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U.S. pledges $203M in the hopes of averting the crisis in Sudan

 U.N. ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said the U.S. is pledging $203M in the hopes of averting the crisis in Sudan to spill over into the region. Close to 9 million people have fled their homes, according to the United Nations, and more than 1 million have left the country. Thousands have been killed in a conflict overshadowed by the ones i...

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Mozambique: former finance minister on trial in US

 The former finance minister in Mozambique has gone on trial in the US over the so-called "tuna bond" scandal which came to light in 2016. Manuel Chang, who was the country's finance minister from 2005 to 2015, is charged with taking bribes to commit his country secretly to huge loans that prosecutors say were then looted. Bribes, fraud and mo...

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Африка — кадровый резерв России?

Повод для нашего сегодняшнего разговора одновременно важный и в массовом восприятии достаточно болезненный. Ресурс hh.ru провел анализ вакансий, размещаемых работодателями в привязке к географическим регионам планеты, и опубликовал достаточно неожиданные данные. Выяснилось, что российские компании и организации теперь меньше ищут работников, наприм...

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Южная Африка критикует планы Великобритании ввести аналог CBAM

Южная Африка (ЮАР) сообщила Великобритании, что ее планы ввести трансграничный налог на выбросы углерода на импортные товары усугубит глобальное неравенство. Об этом сообщает Bloomberg. В письме, которое ЮАР в июне текущего года направила в Казначейство Великобритании, также отмечается, что этот шаг может нарушать правила Всемирной торговой организ...

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Российские компании готовы начать сборку автодеталей в Нигерии

Российские производители автомобильных запчастей могут в 2025 году приступить к сборке своей продукции в Нигерии. Об этом сообщил «Известиям» торговый представитель РФ в этой стране Максим Петров. «В этом году пройдут подготовительные мероприятия, чтобы в 2025 году началось производство [автодеталей]. Несколько предприятий рассказали, что очень заи...

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$35 million investment to boost food security in East Africa

 The agricultural sector in Uganda remains a cornerstone of the economy, employing approximately 72% of the population and contributing about 24.1% to the GDP. The dairy sector alone is valued at US$3.8 billion, with exports bringing in US$106.2 million annually. Milk and dairy products play a crucial role in combating hunger and ensuring food...

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Kenya: Several bodies retrieved from an abandoned quarry as police chief resigns

 Kenya's police chief Japhet Koome has resigned on the same day five bodies wrapped in sacks were found in a quarry near an informal settlement and after weeks of deadly protests in which more than 30 people were killed. President Ruto on Friday announced that he had received the resignation of inspector General Koome, and that his deputy Doug...

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Donald Trump injured after attempted assassination at campaign rally

 Former President United States Donald Trump was the target of an assassination attempt Saturday at a Pennsylvania rally, days before he was to accept the Republican nomination for a third time. A barrage of gunfire set off panic, and a bloodied Trump, who said he was shot in the ear, was surrounded by Secret Service and hurried to his SUV as ...

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Vladimir Putin calls for BRICS unity to create a 'harmonious world'

 Speaking at the BRICS parliamentary forum in St Petersburg, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday accused the West of attempting to maintain a monopoly. "Pressure is growing on everyone who has their own position. Contrary to the principles of international law, coercion, unilateral sanctions, selective application of trade rules, and ...

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Kenyan president dismisses all cabinet ministers after weeks of protests

 Kenyan President William Ruto on Thursday dismissed almost all of his Cabinet ministers and promised to form a new government that will be lean and efficient following weeks of protests over high taxes and poor governance. In a televised address, the president also dismissed the attorney general and said ministries will be run by their perman...

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Nigerian court says it will begin hearing Binance tax evasion case in October

A court in Nigeria has said it will begin a trial against cryptocurrency exchange Binance over tax evasion charges on Oct. 11, the judge hearing the matter said on Friday. The Binance executives, Tigran Gambaryan and Nadeem Anjarwalla, face separate trials on charges of tax evasion and money laundering. Teng emphasized that Binance is challenging t...

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South Africa drops probe of J&J after it agrees to lower price of TB drug

 Medical advocacy groups welcomed Johnson & Johnson's decision not to enforce its patent on a critical tuberculosis medication, allowing its production at much lower prices after South African authorities investigated the conglomerate. The South African Competition Commission in a statement on July 5 said it decided not to prosecute a comp...

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Liberian president slashes salary by 40%

Liberian President Joseph Boakai has announced a 40% reduction in his annual salary, lowering it from $13,400 to $8,000 per year. This move comes in response to growing public scrutiny of government salaries and widespread discontent over the rising cost of living in Liberia. President Boakai's office stated that he hopes this decision will set a p...

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Kenya: President Ruto proposes budget cuts after deadly protests

Kenyan President William Ruto has announced a 177 billion budget cut to seal the budget hole left after the withdrawal of the finance bill. This comes after protests led to the cancellation of contentious tax hikes, which resulted in the deaths of 39 people. The country erupted into chaos when peaceful demonstrations against high tax rises turned v...

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Gabon says payment dispute with World Bank resolved

 Gabon's payment dispute with the World Bank is apparently resolved. Authorities in the central African nation say technical issues made it impossible for the country to keep its commitments by June 30. In an undated statement, the ministry of public accounts said arrears were paid back to the World Bank. This comes after a confidential World ...

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Напряженность в Красном море затронула интересы 65 стран

Нападения йеменских хуситов на судоходные маршруты в Красном море затронули интересы 65 стран, расходы на топливо танкеров и сухогрузов увеличиваются из-за изменения маршрутов, следует из отчета министерства обороны США. "Изменение маршрута движения судов вокруг Африки через мыс Доброй Надежды увеличивает протяженность маршрута примерно на 11 тыс. ...

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Африканские партнеры могут помочь российским компаниям с проведением международных платежей

Страны Африки заинтересованы в развитии бизнес-отношений с российскими партнерами. Такое мнение изданию логистического альянса ACEX высказал генеральный директор Sky Chain Worldwide Limited, партнер АСЕХ в Китае Джэк Джао. «Эти далекие страны (Африки — прим. ред.) становятся ближе благодаря новым маршрутам поставок. На это влияет несколько факторов...

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Эфиопия занимает первое место среди стран Африки по выпуску меда

Министерство сельского хозяйства Эфиопии объявило о планах производства 375 000 тонн меда в 2024-2025 финансовом году. Об этом сообщает ENA.Ведомство заявило, что производство меда – часть реализации инициативы Bounty of the Basket («Изобильная корзина»). Власти хотят сделать страну одним из лидеров по производству этого продукта.Глава отдела пчело...

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