


Daily Mail: слоны растоптали туриста на глазах у невесты в заповеднике Африки

Слоны втоптали в землю мужчину на глазах у его невесты и друзей в заповеднике Африки. Об этом сообщает Daily Mail. Инцидент произошел с 43-летним испанцем Карлосом Луной во время экскурсии с невестой и двумя друзьями в заповеднике Пиланесберг. Мужчина захотел сфотографировать стадо слонов крупным планом, поэтому близко подошел к животным. Другие ту...

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Minibus crash in South Africa kills 12 schoolchildren and driver

 Twelve schoolchildren and their driver were killed in South Africa on Wednesday when their minibus overturned and caught fire on a road in Gauteng province, officials said. The accident took place a day after schools reopened after the winter holidays. Seven other children were injured in the accident, which took place in the town of Merafong...

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Elephants trample a Spanish tourist to death in South Africa

Elephants trampled to death a Spanish tourist at a South African wildlife reserve after he left his vehicle and approached a herd to take photographs, police and local government authorities said Tuesday. The 43-year-old man was killed on Sunday at Pilanesberg National Park in North West province, about 180 kilometers (111 miles) from Johannesburg,...

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South Africa : Nearly 1,000 homes in Cape Town destroyed by storms

 Nearly 1,000 homes in informal settlements in Cape Town, South Africa, have been destroyed by gale-force winds, displacing around 4,000 people, authorities and an aid organization said as the city braces for a week of damaging storms. South African weather authorities said Monday that Cape Town and surrounding areas are expected to be hit by ...

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Last guilty plea in Denver fire that Killed 5 from Senegal could face 60 years

 Between shifts at Amazon to support her family in Senegal, Hassan Diol often called her husband, Amadou Beye, who was awaiting a visa. While she worked opposite shifts with her sister-in-law to care for their children, Hassan would video call Amadou daily, eager for him to meet their infant daughter and reunite with their family in the U.S. B...

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Соотечественники в Африке и на Ближнем Востоке вносят вклад в сохранение наследия, заявили в МИД РФ

Соотечественники, проживающие в африканских и ближневосточных странах, играют большую роль в сохранении цивилизационного наследия, считают в МИД РФ. Заместитель главы ведомства Михаил Галузин также высоко оценил их деятельность, направленную на укрепление связей между странами в культурно-гуманитарной сфере, сообщает ТАСС. Об этом он сказал в приве...

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6.3 million people in need of humanitarian support and protection in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso is facing an "unprecedented humanitarian crisis" and lacks means to solve it, the UN has warned. The spokesperson for the UN chief Stéphane Dujarric on Friday (Jun. 28) appealed for member states to provide funding. "In Burkina Faso, our humanitarian colleagues say the country is facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, with 6.3 mi...

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Ученые воссоздали внешность самого древнего человека на Земле

Ученые воссоздали внешность самого древнего из известных представителей Homo sapiens, жившего около 300 000 лет назад, передает Tengri Life со ссылкой на Daily Mail. Череп обнаружили в 2017 году исследователи из Института Макса Планка вместе с каменными орудиями и костями животных в Джебель Ирхуде в Марокко. До этого считалось, что колыбель человеч...

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В БФУ завершился интенсив по русскому языку для преподавателей из Африки

27 июня состоялась церемония вручения сертификатов и удостоверений об успешном прохождении профессиональный программы «Русский язык как иностранный для науки, образования, культуры» для девяти преподавателей из университетов Намибии и Зимбабве. Для участников это уже не первая встреча с нашей страной — ранее они обучались в российских вузах, а тепе...

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Делегаты из Африки рассказали в НовГУ, на каких языках читают Пушкина в Эфиопии

На площадке Новгородского университета ИНТЦ «Валдай» прошло официальное закрытие программы «Популяризация русского языка и российского образования в странах Африки». Её участниками стали 11 граждан Уганды, Эфиопии и Зимбабве – представители университетов Мбарара, Макерере, Бугема, Христианского университета Уганды и Королевского университета Мутеса...

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Туристы из стран Ближнего Востока и Африки стали чаще посещать Москву

Туристы из стран Ближнего Востока и Африки стали чаще посещать Москву после долгого перерыва, также растет туристический поток из ОАЭ, сообщил первый заместитель руководителя аппарата мэра и правительства Москвы, председатель Комитета по туризму города Москвы Евгений Козлов.С 28 июня по 2 июля на Манежной площади проходят Дни культуры Объединенных ...

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South African researchers test use of nuclear technology to curb rhino poaching

Researchers in South Africa have injected radioactive material into the horns of 20 rhinos as part of a research project aimed at reducing poaching. The idea is that radiation detectors already in place at national borders would detect the horns and help authorities arrest poachers and traffickers. The research, which has included the participation...

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Nigeria to ban single-use plastics from January

Nigeria is one of the world's top plastic polluters, generating over 2.5 million tons of plastic waste annually. The need for a more comprehensive waste collection system and limited recycling facilities means that over 70 per cent of it ends up in the sea or in landfills. Now, Nigeria has become the latest African country to join the fight against...

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Kenya’s finance bill: this is what led to the protest

 Kenya's president came to power by appealing to the common people, describing himself as a "hustler" and vowing relief from economic pain. However, Tuesday's deadly chaos in the capital, Nairobi, shows how far support for him has turned. Part of parliament burned as protesters rushed in and lawmakers fled. Bodies lay in the streets, and medic...

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Кения и Чад могут отменить визы для туристов из России

 Кения и Чад могут отменить визы для туристов из России26 Июня 2024, 03:15Алена Нефедова КЕНИЯРЕСПУБЛИКА ЧАДДИПЛОМАТИЯБЕЗВИЗОВЫЙ РЕЖИМВИЗЫФото: Global Look Press/Nikolay Ivaschenko Россия обсуждает введение безвизового режима для своих граждан с Кенией и Чадом. Об этом «Известиям» рассказали в российских посольствах в обеих республиках. «С янв...

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At least 24 killed by flooding, landslides after heavy rains in Ivory Coast

 Flooding and landslides in Ivory Coast's largest city of Abidjan have left at least 24 people dead following a week of heavy rains, four times the usual volume in some cases, authorities said Tuesday. Flood-related deaths are not uncommon in the West African nation during the rainy season, but according to the Ivorian meteorological agency, t...

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Senegal says it detected Covid-19 in returning Hajj pilgrims

 Senegal says it has detected Covid-19 in dozens of pilgrims returning from their Hajj journey in Mecca. From tests conducted at Dakar's Blaise Diagne International Airport, 78 cases of Covid-19 were recorded. Senegal's health ministry said the results are not surprising. It said returning pilgrims had been advised to wear masks and self-isola...

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Naomi Campbell discusses her career as London exhibition opens

 Always one sashay ahead of the fashion pack, Naomi Campbell is the first supermodel to get her own solo fashion exhibition. Opening at London's Victoria and Albert Museum on Saturday, the star has loaned outfits from her private collection to be put on display. Complimenting around 80 garments in the exhibition are photos and items from Campb...

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Madagascar's capital launches cable cars to ease traffic jam

Madagascar's capital has a new means of public transport. The first cable car rode over neighborhoods of Antananarivo carrying President Andriy Rajoelina, city officials and project contractors. Capable of carrying up to 75,000 passengers a day, the cars are designed to reduce congestion in the Malagasy capital, which today has a population of over...

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Sierra Leone outlaws child marriage in new legislation

 Sierra Leone's parliament has approved a law banning child marriage in a development lauded by activists as a major win for children's rights. The law criminalizes marrying girls under 18 years of age. It also prescribes jail terms of up to 15 years for offenders. One-third of all girls are married before their 18th birthday in the west Afric...

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