


Earth records hottest ever year in 2024 and crosses key 1.5C threshold

 The world has just experienced the first full year in which global temperatures exceeded 1.5C above pre-industrial times, scientists have said. The milestone was confirmed by the European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) on Friday, which said the climate crisis is pushing the planet's temperature to levels never before experien...

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Ученые выявили способность диких шимпанзе генетически адаптироваться к средам обитания

Дикие шимпанзе живут в различных средах обитания Африки, от тропических лесов до более открытых лесных массивов и саванн. Согласно новому исследованию Университетского колледжа Лондона (Великобритания), эти животные развили генетические адаптации, которые соответствуют их ареалу. Научная работа опубликована в издании Science. Исследователи изучили ...

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China-Ethiopia partnership brings free eye care to Addis Ababa

A team of medical experts from China has officially launched a free cataract surgery program at Tirunesh Beijing Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia's capital. The initiative known as the China-Ethiopia Brightness Journey features a dedicated Chinese medical team made up of 10 experienced ophthalmologists and nurses. They are on a mission to perform ...

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2025 welcomes rare twin elephants in Kenya

With the new year kicking off already, it's good news for the elephant world in Kenya. On January 2, the Kenya Wildlife Service shared on its social media platforms that it spotted a mother elephant with twins in Shimba Hills National Reserve. This marks the third case of twin births of elephants in the country in three years. The phenomenon of twi...

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Endangered pygmy hippo born at Virginia zoo

An endangered pygmy hippo has been born at a Virginia zoo. The female was born Dec. 9 at Metro Richmond Zoo in Moseley, Virginia. It is parents' Iris and Corwin's third calf in four and a half years and they are all females. This is also the pair's second calf to arrive right before the holidays. The baby girl arrived after a 7-month gestation and ...

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What climate records were broken in 2024?

This year, 2024, is set to become the hottest on record, surpassing the previous high in 2023, according to the European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). For the first time, average global temperatures will exceed 1.5C (2.7F) above pre-industrial levels from 1850-1900, the upper limit set by the Paris Agreement. The agreement aimed ...

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В египетской мумии нашли древнейшую в Африке чуму

Новое исследование показало, что бубонная чума распространялась в Северной Африке за тысячи лет до эпидемий в Европе. Это подтверждает радиоуглеродный анализ древней египетской мумии. Палеопатологи обнаружили в египетской мумии, которая датируется временем в 3290 лет назад, следы бубонной чумы. Древний египтянин умер от одной из самых смертоносных ...

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Could mosquitoes deliver vaccines against malaria?

 Mosquitoes are usually associated with serious diseases, such as malaria, dengue fever and yellow fever. However, researchers from Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) and Radboud University in the Netherlands may have found a valuable new role for the insects: as vaccine distributors. Their scientists say they have successfully engineered...

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Winter solstice's first rays of sun align with ancient Luxor temple

The winter solstice is a special day at the Ancient Egyptian temple complex at Luxor on the Nile River. On the northern hemisphere's shortest day of the year, the first rays of sunlight in the early morning align perfectly with the main axis of the city's Temple of Amun-Re. As the sun bathes the temple, it enters the Holy of Holies which houses a s...

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Ратифицировано Соглашение между Правительством РФ и Правительством Алжира о сотрудничестве в области исследования и использования космического пространства в мирных целях

 Федеральный закон от 13.12.2024 N 454-ФЗ "О ратификации Соглашения между Правительством Российской Федерации и Правительством Алжирской Народной Демократической Республики о сотрудничестве в области исследования и использования космического пространства в мирных целях" Соглашение, подписанное в Москве 15 июня 2023 года, заключено с целью созд...

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Scientists use new technology and AI to discover animal intelligence

 With advanced technology and the help of AI, scientists are increasingly discovering proof that many animals are much smarter than previously thought. From self-medicating great apes to elephants that call one another by individual names, the wonderful world of nature was full of fascinating discoveries throughout 2024. In June, biologists fr...

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«Лаборатория Касперского» помогла Интерполу и Африполу провести операцию по борьбе с киберпреступностью в странах Африки

«Лаборатория Касперского» оказала содействие Интерполу и Африполу в борьбе с киберпреступностью в странах Африки. В результате операции Serengeti были арестованы более тысячи подозреваемых в причастности к атакам программ-шифровальщиков, BEC-атакам* через корпоративную электронную почту и другим преступлениям. Финансовый ущерб оценивается в сумму о...

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Франция отказывается возвращать Африке украденные артефакты культурного наследия

Прошло семь лет с тех пор, как президент Франции Эммануэль Макрон объявил о революционном плане по возвращению истинным хозяевам африканского наследия. Его заявление, сделанное в Буркина-Фасо в ноябре 2017 года, о том, что «наследие Африки не может находиться только в европейских музеях», вновь вызвало дискуссию о реституции колониальных артефактов...

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South Africa's refurbished Digital Dome set to open in February 2025

The largest planetarium in sub-Saharan Africa is set to re-open in Johannesburg early next year with a fully modernized digital dome that will illuminate the screen with expansive visuals of the solar system. Star-gazers and tech lovers alike on Wednesday were treated to demonstrations of what the now-renamed Wits Anglo American Digital Dome has to...

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Drones beat logistical challenges to delivery of medical supplies in Kenya

 Bad weather and poor roads can make getting life-saving drugs to remote parts of Kenya a challenge. Now, a company is taking to the skies with drones to deliver medical supplies to those in need and doing it more quickly. "Rains actually make access to these facilities via traditional modes of delivery very daunting," said Samuel Sineka, phar...

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Геологи из РФ и Зимбабве провели первую совместную экспедицию

Группа специалистов из Российского государственного геологоразведочного университета имени Серго Орджоникидзе (МГРИ) провела в Республике Зимбабве первую совместную научно-образовательную геологическую экспедицию с местными коллегами. Она состоялась в рамках работы Центра исследований минерального сырья при Университете Зимбабве, созданного при под...

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More than one in three tree species at risk of extinction: Report

 More than one in three species of trees are at risk of extinction worldwide, threatening life as we know it on Earth, according to a report published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. The report published on Monday has warned that over 16,000 tree species are at risk of extinction. Mo...

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Bavarian Nordic mpox vaccine gets green light from WHO for use in adolescents

 The World Health Organisation has given the Bavarian Nordic mpox vaccine the go ahead for use in adolescents aged 12 to 17, an age group which is viewed as especially vulnerable to the disease. It comes after the UN agency gave the vaccine the green light in September as the first shot against mpox in adults. The move made it simpler for Afri...

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Rwanda to kick off vaccine and therapeutic clinical trials for Marbug disease in several weeks

 Rwanda's health minister has announced that the country will kick off vaccine and therapeutic clinical trials to treat Marbug disease in the coming weeks, as the country does what it can to contain its first outbreak of the viral fever. ''We are collaborating with the pharmaceutical companies that developed these, alongside the World Health O...

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West Africa to see two solar eclipses in 2025

 Over South American skies next week, one ring will rule them all. An annular solar eclipse – known as a "ring of fire" – will be visible on Wednesday, October 2nd, over Easter Island and the tips of Argentina and Chile. But what is an annular solar eclipse? Solar eclipses happen when the sun, moon and Earth line up just so. The moon casts a s...

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