


Maasai women resort to fish farming to avert effects of climate change

Like many other Maasai women, fish farmer Charity Oltinki was previously engaged in beadwork, but found the profession to be unprofitable. Her husband, the primary breadwinner, was responsible for managing their cattle. But the severe drought that struck the Horn of Africa from 2020 to 2023 killed almost 100 of their cows, and only 50 sheep of thei...

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Уникальный вулкан в Африке быстро уходит под землю

Американские ученые из Университета штата Пенсильвания выяснили, что необычный вулкан Олдоиньо-Ленгаи в Танзании быстро уходит под землю на протяжении последних 10 лет.Исследование опубликовано в научном журнале Geophysical Research Letters (GRL).Олдоиньо-Ленгаи — единственный в мире вулкан, активно извергающий карбонатитовую лаву — чрезвычайно тек...

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China and 26 African countries agree to strengthen partnerships in digital field

 China and 26 African countries have agreed to strengthen partnerships and boost innovation in the digital sector. African participants at the Forum on China, Africa Digital Cooperation were hosted Monday (Jul. 29) by the Chinese ministry of Industry and Information Technology in Beijing. Senegal's minister of telecommunications looked forward...

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Egypt: 19th book fair in Alexandria attracts summer visitors

 In the Egyptian city of Alexandria, summer visitors are flocking to the 19th book fair, a two-week event running until July 28th. Stacks upon stacks of books lined the shelves, tables and walls at a book fair held at the Egyptian coastal city of Alexandria. The event - which runs until July 28 - is held at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the mod...

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Древние европейцы пришли из Африки: сенсационные находки на Пиренеях

Ученые Университета Барселоны, Центра геохронологии Беркли и Университета штата Мюррей обнаружили самые древние человеческие останки в Европе на Пиренейском полуострове. Исследование опубликовано в журнале Earth-Science Reviews.Палеонтологи проанализировали образцы минералов с стоянок Орсе (Гранада) и определили возраст человеческих останков в 1,3 ...

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Morocco pilots new and more efficient technique for harvesting cork

 Next time you open a bottle of wine, spare a thought for what goes into producing the cork. The bark tissue is not only used for wine, but also in the fashion and building industries. Morocco, which produces about 6 per cent of natural cork globally, is transforming the way it harvests, moving away from the axe to a smarter and more efficient...

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AI initiative to revolutionise extreme weather forecasting systems

 Extreme weather events causing floods, drought, and wildfires are becoming more frequent and more severe with climate change, affecting countries around the globe. The Horn of Africa is particularly prone to heavy rains which cause devastating localised flooding, loss of livelihoods, and even life. Now, scientists are using artificial intelli...

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South African researchers test use of nuclear technology to curb rhino poaching

Researchers in South Africa have injected radioactive material into the horns of 20 rhinos as part of a research project aimed at reducing poaching. The idea is that radiation detectors already in place at national borders would detect the horns and help authorities arrest poachers and traffickers. The research, which has included the participation...

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South Sudan says its 6M antelope make up world’s largest land mammal migration, but poaching on rise

 Seen from the air, they ripple across the landscape — a river of antelope racing across the vast grasslands of South Sudan in what conservationists say is the world's largest land mammal migration. The country's first comprehensive aerial wildlife survey, released Tuesday June 25, found about six million antelope. The survey was conducted ove...

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Tanzania inaugurates first Emergency Operation and Communication Center

Tanzania inaugurated its first Emergency Operation and Communication Center (EOCC) Situation Room, which is also the first national situation room to be set up under the African Union's Africa Multi-Hazard Early Warning and Early Action System (AMHEWAS) Programme. The event took place last week on friday and marked a milestone in the country's jour...

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Kenya's housing crisis: Can 3D printing provide a solution?

 In the impoverished slums of Nairobi, Jacinter Awino navigates her daily chores amidst a maze of rusty iron sheets. The small tin shack that lacks a toilet and running water has been her family's shelter for years, costing about $380 to build. Her husband, who earns about $75 per month from casual construction jobs, struggles to provide for t...

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South Africa: Pilot study uses traditional healers to test for HIV

 In an attempt to tackle the stigma and reluctance of people to test for HIV, South African authorities are recruiting traditional healers. The healers are part of a pilot study to encourage more people, especially the young, to have the test and to seek medical treatment if needed. Shadrack Mashabane is a traditional healer in the small town ...

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Disappearing Mali pond threatens UNESCO fishing tradition

 Thousands of fishermen holding cone-shaped nets stood side by side, cheering and chanting as they waited for the signal. Suddenly, they rushed to a large muddy pond and cast their nets, dropping to their knees in the mud. Soon, one proudly held up a fish the length of his arm. For several hundred years, people have gathered in the southern Ma...

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2 Mpox deaths reported in South Africa this week

 South African health authorities say two people have died this week after contracting Mpox, and it appears there is local transmission of the disease. The health ministry said Thursday that a 38-year-old man died in the eastern KwaZulu-Natal province on Wednesday, the same day a laboratory test confirmed that he had contracted the virus. Anot...

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Kenyan company becomes country’s first to 3D print prosthetic limbs

 Kenyan cobbler, Stephen Ochieng's life was changed forever following an accident a few years ago. He was standing in a crowd of people at a packed station, all trying to board a train to get home after work when he fell under the train. The damage to his legs was so severe they both had to be amputated. Now, a new 3D printing company, Prothea...

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Beekeeping flourishes in Uganda

 Beekeeping is thriving in Uganda, with the country producing between 100,000 and 200,000 metric tons of honey annually, according to the Uganda Investment Authority. The growing demand suggests significant potential for further expansion. Sandra Ejang, a bee farmer and honey entrepreneur, began keeping bees as a hobby inspired by her grandmot...

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Morocco organizes first electronic gaming expo in Rabat

Morocco organized its first electronic gaming fair in Rabat last week, bringing together developers, startups and gamers. Organized by the Ministry of Youth, Culture, and Communication, the Morocco Gaming Expo aims to bolster the burgeoning gaming industry in the country. The expo featured four main sections including a display area with over 70 ex...

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В Зимбабве обнаружили новый вид динозавров, живших 210 млн лет назад

Совершенно новый вид динозавров обнаружила на берегу озера Кариба в Зимбабве международная группа палеонтологов из ЮАР, США и других стран. Ящер, которому дали имя Musankwa sanyatiensis, обитал на территории Африки в период позднего триаса около 210 млн лет назад, пишет «Газета.Ru» со ссылкой на исследование, опубликованное в научном журнале Acta P...

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Title: "Uganda's Digital Leapfrog: How Russian Technology is Unlocking Economic Potential". By Onyango Henry  For the competition

 Title: "Uganda's Digital Leapfrog: How Russian Technology is Unlocking Economic Potential" Uganda, like many African nations, is undergoing a digital transformation that's redefining its economic landscape. At the forefront of this revolution is Russian technology, which is bridging the gap between Uganda's economic potential and its digital ...

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Николай Иванович Вавилов: отец современного сельского хозяйства, сыгравший важную роль в сотрудничестве между Россией и Африкой

 Российско-африканские отношения охватывают множество аспектов, начиная от политики и экономики и заканчивая культурой и наукой. Одной из самых ярких личностей, чей вклад в развитие этих отношений трудно переоценить, является Николай Иванович Вавилов. Этот выдающийся ученый-генетик и ботаник оставил значительный след в истории международного с...

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