


Лавров заявил о готовности России помочь Африке в вопросах безопасности

Россия будет делать все, чтобы содействовать странам Африки в вопросах безопасности и обороноспособности, заявил глава МИД РФ Сергей Лавров."Доказано на фактах, что украинцы работают с террористическими организациями, которые борются с законным правительством Мали. Не так давно было нападение на группу малийских военнослужащих с большим количеством...

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Tunisia passes law to strip courts of power over election authority

 Tunisia's parliament amended a law on Friday, stripping power from courts over decisions made by an embattled election authority whose members are appointed by President Kais Saied. Nine days before the presidential election, a majority of members of parliament voted in favor of amending the young democracy's first election law as the electio...

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Algeria introduces visa for Moroccans as mistrust grows between the neighbors

 The Algerian Foreign ministry announced on Thursday (Sep. 26) the reintroduction with immediate effrct of a visa for holders of a Moroccan passport. The ministry notably cites "destabilization actions" and the organization of "human and drug-trafficking, espionage and the deployment of Zionist agents." The end of the visa exemption regime for...

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Kenya's President meets U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in New York

 Kenya's President William Ruto thanked the U.S. for the immense support that Africa has received in equipment and assistance during a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in New York on Thursday. "Your support in South Sudan, what we are doing in DRC and I will be looking forward to a conversation around those issues and to see...

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Equatorial Guinea's president visits Russia for diplomatic talks

 Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with Teodoro Obiang Nguema, the President of Equatorial Guinea, in Moscow. Putin highlighted the successful collaboration between Russia and the oil-rich nation within the Gas Exporting Countries Forum and OPEC+. Putin stated that, "Your country is our partner and in the Gas Exporting Countries ...

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В Африке призвали Россию сосредоточиться на ископаемом топливе

Энергетическое сотрудничество России и стран Африки должно сосредоточиться на использовании ископаемого топлива, так как нет данных о странах, которые провели индустриализацию с помощью возобновляемых источников энергии, отметил РИА Новости председатель Африканской энергетической палаты Энджей Аюк.По словам Аюка, ни одна страна в мире не провела ин...

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Congo’s President Tshisekedi calls for sanctions against Rwanda

 Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi called on the international community to sanction Rwanda for its role in "destabilizing" his country Wednesday as he addressed the United Nations General Assembly in New York. "The resurgence of terrorist group M23, supported by Rwanda, has provoked a humanitarian crisis without precedent," Tshisekedi said...

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Russia says supports Africa's Security Council seat bid

 Russia will back Africa's bid for a United Nations security Council seat. Speaking to Russian media on the eve of the UN General Assembly, Moscow's foreign affairs minister Sergei Lavrov called Africa's desire for a permanent seat on the UN's top organ 'legitimate'. He said Russia also supports the aspirations of India and Brazil. Lavrov said...

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1KZNTV Premieres Nelson Mandela's Road to Freedom: A Must-Watch Tribute to a Global Icon

Last night, Nelson Mandela's Road to Freedom, produced by Rusafro Media, premiered on 1KZNTV, capturing the legacy of South Africa's beloved leader. The short film dives deep into Mandela's life and struggle for freedom. For those who missed it, a repeat airing is scheduled for 5th October.A Journey of Struggle and TriumphNelson Mandela's Road...

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Préparatifs des Journées économiques du Burkina Faso à Moscou

Le Premier ministre, Dr Apollinaire Joachimson Kyélem de Tambela, a reçu en audience, ce lundi 23 septembre 2024, à Ouagadougou, l'ambassadeur de la Fédération de Russie au Burkina Faso, Igor Martynov. Les préparatifs des prochaines Journées économiques du Burkina Faso à l'extérieur (JEB) prévues en octobre prochain à Moscou, en Russie, ont occupé ...

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Ramaphosa calls on world's leaders to take decisive action to end Palestinian suffering

 South Africa has urged for a peaceful resolution the the ongoing Gaza war. Speaking at the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday, Ramaphosa called upon the world's leaders to take decisive action to end Palestinian suffering. "The violence the Palestinian people are being subjected to is a grim continuation of more than half a century of...

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Biden to travel to Angola next month, making his first trip to Africa as U.S. President

 U.S. President Joe Biden will visit Africa next month, the White House announced Tuesday (Sep. 24), in his first trip to the continent while in office. He will first travel to Berlin. In the German capital, he will bolster alliances and voice his gratitude to Germany for supporting Ukraine's defense against Russia, as well as other issues, th...

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Президент Чили выступил за проведение реформы СБ ООН до 2025 года

 Предложение включить в состав постоянных членов Совета Безопасности (СБ) ООН Индию, Бразилию и одно из государств Африки выдвинул президент Чили Габриэль Борич 25 сентября в ходе общеполитической дискуссии на 79-й сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН. «Я предлагаю установить сроки для реформы, чтобы, когда ООН будет отмечать 80-летие, в...

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Лавров: Россия поддержит вступление в СБ ООН Индии, Бразилии и страны Африки

Глава МИД России Сергей Лавров заявил, что Россия поддержит стремление Индии, Бразилии и одной из стран Африки стать постоянными членами Совбеза ООН. Об этом он сказал в беседе с ТАСС. «Развивающиеся страны недопредставлены в Совете Безопасности, поэтому мы, как мы всегда говорили, поддерживаем заинтересованность и законное стремление Индии и Брази...

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Танзания открыта для диалога с Россией, заявил постпред в ООН

Танзания открыта для диалога с Россией, в том числе, по продовольственной безопасности, энергетике и инвестициям, готова принять министра иностранных дел РФ Сергея Лаврова с визитом, заявил РИА Новости танзанийский постоянный представитель в ООН Хуссейн Каттанга."Да, определенно. Танзания всегда открыта", - сообщил он агентству на полях Генеральной...

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Egypt delivers more weapons to Somalia amid rising tensions with Ethiopia

 An Egyptian warship has delivered a second major cache of weaponry to Somalia including anti-aircraft guns and artillery, officials said, in a move likely to stoke further friction between the two countries and Ethiopia. "A shipment of Egyptian military aid has arrived in the Somali capital Mogadishu to support and build the capabilities of t...

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As Mali marks independence, military leader urges unity and lists security achievements

 Mali marked on Sunday (Sep. 22) the 64th anniversary of its indepedence. Events took place across the nation as well as in the capital where the transitional president attended ceremonies. Col. Assimi Goïta marked Mali's independence Day, his fifth celebration at the helm of the Sahelian country. The address to the nation on Saturday night (S...

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South Africa: Continent's largest aerospace and defence exhibition ends

 The 12th edition of Africa's largest aerospace and defense exhibition and air show which ended Sunday (Sep. 22) in South Africa drew aviation experts, companies and enthusiasts. Hundreds of attendees braved the cold weather to catch a glimpse of impressive displays, get up close to aircrafts and see the latest aviation tech. A regular attract...

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La Russie va financer la relance d’un important projet sidérurgique au Nigéria

Le gouvernement nigérian a signé le 21 septembre dernier un protocole d'accord avec le consortium d'entreprises russes constitué comprenant MM. Tyazhpromexport et Novostal M et la firme locale Proforce Manufacturing Limited, en vue de revitaliser son secteur sidérurgique. Il est prévu la réhabilitation de l'usine d'Ajaokuta, avec sa capacité annuel...

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Ruto praises Kenyan police force on visit to Haiti

 Kenya's President William Ruto arrived in Haiti on Saturday, claiming that because of a Kenyan police force battling gangs "the country's security has significantly improved." Ruto's claim was contradicted by a United Nations security expert, who just days earlier warned that violence in the country was worsening as gangs expand their control...

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