


БРИКС диктует моду

В Москве на прошлой неделе завершился BRICS+ Fashion Summit. На нём собрались представители модной индустрии из ста стран мира со всех континентов. Результаты форума свидетельствуют: традиционные ремёсла не собираются сдаваться глобальным трендам и поточному производству. Многие гости приехали в Москву впервые и развеяли первоначальные стереотипы, ...

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Более 400 студентов из Африки изучают ядерную энергетику в России

Более 400 африканских студентов изучают в российских университетах дисциплины, связанные с ядерной энергетикой. Об этом, согласно ТАСС, сообщил представитель Росатома. «Для Росатома молодежь всегда была приоритетом. В Африке мы придерживаемся такого же подхода. Сейчас, например, более 400 африканских студентов изучают в российских вузах инженерное ...

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Премьер: Буркина-Фасо и Россия стремятся к сотрудничеству больше, чем когда-либо

Буркина-Фасо как никогда полно решимости укреплять связи с Россией и хочет установить с РФ стратегическое военное партнерство. Об этом заявил премьер-министр западноафриканского государства Аполлинер Иоахим Кьелем де Тамбелана на открытии форума Burkina Faso Economic Days ("Экономические дни Буркина-Фасо") в Москве, передает буркинийское информаген...

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Премьер-министр Эфиопии примет участие в саммите БРИКС в Казани

Глава правительства Эфиопии Абий Ахмед приедет на саммит БРИКС, который пройдет в конце октября в Казани. Об этом заявили в посольстве РФ в Аддис-Абебе, пишет ТАСС. "Эфиопская сторона подтвердила участие премьера во встрече лидеров БРИКС", - уточнили в дипмиссии. Эфиопия стала полноправным членом БРИКС с 1 января 2024 года одновременно с Египтом, И...

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  26 просмотров

Kenya’s deputy president defends himself before impeachment

 Kenya's deputy president, facing an impeachment motion in which he's accused of supporting anti-government protests in June and of being involved in corruption and other irregularities, has defended himself and confirmed that he would appear before parliament on Tuesday. Rigathi Gachagua, in a televised speech on Monday, accused the legislato...

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Tension in Guinea over missing activists and transition issues

As the transition period in Guinea approaches its conclusion, uncertainty remains high and concerns are growing. Fodé Baldé, an opposition leader, is sounding the alarm over the disappearance of political activists and the absence of a clear electoral timeline, highlighting breaches of the transition charter. Reflecting on the commitments made on S...

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  16 просмотров

Ethiopia's FM elected president, replaces country's first female head of state

Ethiopia's two houses of parliament elected Taye Atske Selassie, the country's top diplomat, president on Monday (Oct. 7). Taye Atske Selassie was sworn in on the same day. He handed over the Constitution by the country's outgoing president. Taye succeeds the country's first female president who was elected six years ago of the mainly ceremonial po...

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Presidential election: voting in tunisia ends

 Tunisians headed to the polls to cast their ballots in the country's presidential election, which analysts say President Kais Saied looks set to win. With most of his challengers in prison or barred from running, Saied is accused of suppressing political competition. Only two other candidates were given the go ahead by the electoral commissio...

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  19 просмотров

Democratic Republic of Congo kicks off vaccinations against mpox, following delays

 After a delay due to logistical difficulties, Congolese authorities have started administering vaccinations against mpox in an attempt to curb the outbreak. 265,000 doses were given to the DRC by the EU and the US, have been administered in the city of Goma and north Kivu province, where healthcare resources have been stretched amid the surge...

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Thousands demonstrate in Accra against illegal mining in Ghana

 Thousands of demonstrators filled the streets of Ghana's capital, calling for an end to illegal mining in the country, also known as 'Galamsey'. Some in the crowd insisted that they would continue to pressure the government until it addresses the issue, and its damaging impact on the environment. 'My motivation is to see that illegal mining s...

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Clashes erupt during public forum over an impeachment motion against Kenya's VP

 Supporters and opponents of Kenya's deputy president clashed Friday at public forums over an impeachment motion against him, which was introduced in parliament by the ruling alliance this week. Rigathi Gachagua is accused of supporting anti-government protests in June and of being involved in corruption and other irregularities, charges he de...

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Tunisians protest against President Kais Saied before October 6 election

 Crowds of Tunisians took to the streets once again to voice their discontent with President Kais Saied, as the country's October 6 presidential election draws closer. They accuse Saied of limiting the number of opponents who can run against him. One protester, Mustapha Ben Ali, said, "we came to protest to say that the president of the republ...

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  30 просмотров

Israeli threats on Iran's oil infrastructure drive up oil prices

 Will the impact of the widening war in the Middle East soon be felt across the globe? Israel's threat to target Iran's oil production infrastructure, including gas and oil rigs, refineries and storage facilities has heightened market concerns.Iran is among the world's top 10 oil producers, with a production of 3.277 million barrels per day in...

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  27 просмотров

30 countries confirm their participation in October BRICS summit

 Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov held a news briefing Thursday about the BRICS summit in Russia later this month. Ryabkov said that 30 delegations had confirmed their participation and the membership of new countries might be considered, including Turkey, which submitted its bid to join the organization in September. Ryabkov als...

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  19 просмотров

Clashes erupt during public forum over an impeachment motion against Kenya's VP

 Supporters and opponents of Kenya's deputy president clashed Friday at public forums over an impeachment motion against him, which was introduced in parliament by the ruling alliance this week. Rigathi Gachagua is accused of supporting anti-government protests in June and of being involved in corruption and other irregularities, charges he de...

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  24 просмотров

Mauritian foreign minister, UK special envoy react to Chagos Islands deal

 The British government's agreement to hand sovereignty of the long-contested Chagos Islands to Mauritius addresses a "historic wrong," the Mauritian foreign minister said Thursday, referring to the displacement of more than a thousand islanders some 50 years ago. Speaking on Sky News, Maneesh Gobin praised the deal as historic. "It augurs wel...

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В БФУ открыли выставку о роли СССР и РФ в освободительном движении Африки

Выставка «Роль Советского Союза и Российской Федерации в освободительном движении африканских стран», подготовленная Российским государственным гуманитарным университетом (РГГУ), открылась в Калининграде в университетском центре «БФУ Экспо», сообщает пресс-служба Балтийского федерального университета им. Иммануила Канта 4 октября на офици...

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Яровая: Пентагон испытывает на жителях Африки вакцины

 Распространение лихорадки Марбург может быть связано с деятельностью Пентагона. В Госдуме указывают на подозрительную связь деятельности военного ведомства США со вспышками опасных заболеваний. Зампредседателя Госдумы, руководитель межфракционной рабочей группы по биологической безопасности Ирина Яровая в эфире "Вестей ФМ" рассказала о причин...

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Заседание Программного комитета Форума «Россия — Африка: что дальше?»

4 октября в МГИМО прошло заседание Программного комитета Форума «Россия — Африка: что дальше?». В заседании приняли участие ректор МГИМО, академик РАН А.В.Торкунов, руководитель ФА «Россотрудничество» Е.А.Примаков, директор Института Африки РАН И.О.Абрамова, проректор по научной работе А.А.Байков, проректор по молодежной политике, социальной работе...

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Egypt, UAE Presidents hold talks in Cairo

 Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sissi welcomed his United Aran Emirates (UAE) counterpart to Cairo on Thursday. Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan met El-Sissi on the tarmac of Cairo airport. The visit comes amid rising tensions in the Middle East as Israel intensifies its bombing campaign in Lebanon. Alongside and the United States, Egypt has b...

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