


Южная Африка критикует планы Великобритании ввести аналог CBAM

Южная Африка (ЮАР) сообщила Великобритании, что ее планы ввести трансграничный налог на выбросы углерода на импортные товары усугубит глобальное неравенство. Об этом сообщает Bloomberg. В письме, которое ЮАР в июне текущего года направила в Казначейство Великобритании, также отмечается, что этот шаг может нарушать правила Всемирной торговой организ...

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Африка — кадровый резерв России?

Повод для нашего сегодняшнего разговора одновременно важный и в массовом восприятии достаточно болезненный. Ресурс hh.ru провел анализ вакансий, размещаемых работодателями в привязке к географическим регионам планеты, и опубликовал достаточно неожиданные данные. Выяснилось, что российские компании и организации теперь меньше ищут работников, наприм...

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UAE lifts 2022 visa ban on Nigerians

 The United Arab Emirates has lifted a 21-month long visa ban on Nigerians. Nigeria's information minister Mohammed Idris said Monday that the UAE's decision to lift the ban that has been in place since October 2022 came after "mutually beneficial negotiations" between both governments. He referred to "updated controls and conditions" that pro...

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Sergey Lavrov holds talks with foreign ministers at U.N. Security Council

 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov engaged in bilateral discussions with his counterparts from Hungary, Switzerland, Iran, Libya, and Kuwait during the U.N. Security Council session on Tuesday. During his meeting with Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó, Lavrov mentioned Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's recent visit to Mosco...

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Kagame poised for fourth term with 99.15% of the vote

President Paul Kagame has won 99% of the vote in provisional results from Monday's presidential election in Rwanda, electoral authorities said, an outcome that was widely expected as the country's long-time ruler aims to extend this three-decade grip on power. Kagame's opponents — Frank Habineza of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda and independe...

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UN extends BINUH mandate as international efforts intensify to stabilize Haiti

The UN Security Council has approved a resolution extending the mandate of the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) for an additional year. Antonio Rodrigue, Haiti's Permanent Representative to the UN, stated, "The Haitian government, through my office, welcomes the unanimous adoption of resolution 2743, which extends BINUH's mandate f...

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Rwanda prepares to vote in poll expected to be swept by Kagame

 Candidates in Rwanda's presidential election wrapped up campaigning Saturday. Incumbent President Paul Kagame spoke to thousands of supporters at a rally in the capital Kigali. Monday's vote is expected to extend Kagame's rule, and that of his Rwanda Patriotic Front by five years. "It is a political phenomenon, that is why many people outside...

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Donald Trump injured after attempted assassination at campaign rally

 Former President United States Donald Trump was the target of an assassination attempt Saturday at a Pennsylvania rally, days before he was to accept the Republican nomination for a third time. A barrage of gunfire set off panic, and a bloodied Trump, who said he was shot in the ear, was surrounded by Secret Service and hurried to his SUV as ...

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Kenya: Several bodies retrieved from an abandoned quarry as police chief resigns

 Kenya's police chief Japhet Koome has resigned on the same day five bodies wrapped in sacks were found in a quarry near an informal settlement and after weeks of deadly protests in which more than 30 people were killed. President Ruto on Friday announced that he had received the resignation of inspector General Koome, and that his deputy Doug...

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Rwanda prepares to vote in poll expected to be swept by Kagame

 Candidates in Rwanda's presidential election wrapped up campaigning Saturday. Incumbent President Paul Kagame spoke to thousands of supporters at a rally in the capital Kigali. Monday's vote is expected to extend Kagame's rule, and that of his Rwanda Patriotic Front by five years. "It is a political phenomenon, that is why many people outside...

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Kenyan president dismisses all cabinet ministers after weeks of protests

 Kenyan President William Ruto on Thursday dismissed almost all of his Cabinet ministers and promised to form a new government that will be lean and efficient following weeks of protests over high taxes and poor governance. In a televised address, the president also dismissed the attorney general and said ministries will be run by their perman...

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Vladimir Putin calls for BRICS unity to create a 'harmonious world'

 Speaking at the BRICS parliamentary forum in St Petersburg, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday accused the West of attempting to maintain a monopoly. "Pressure is growing on everyone who has their own position. Contrary to the principles of international law, coercion, unilateral sanctions, selective application of trade rules, and ...

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Западный капитал предпринимает отчаянные попытки сохранить своё влияние в Африке

После серии досадных провалов США и их сателлиты сосредоточились на других странах. Кении и Анголе навязаны военные соглашения, их народы стали заложниками неолиберальной политики. Жажда реванша На протяжении веков эксплуатация человеческих и природных богатств Африки обеспечивала развитие европейского капитализма. Сначала это была работорговля, за...

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НАТО не по силам усиление присутствия на Ближнем Востоке и в Африке

Североатлантический альянс готов усилить свое присутствие на Ближнем Востоке, в Африке, на Балканах и Черном море под предлогом "поддержки мира" в регионах, говорится в итоговой декларации саммита НАТО в Вашингтоне. Однако, есть сомнения, что НАТО хватит сил удержать там свое влияние, считает политолог, радио- и телеведущий Сергей Михеев. Об этом о...

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"Работают с Россией": в США забили тревогу из-за нового военного альянса

Образование Альянса государств Сахеля в составе Мали, Нигера и Буркина-Фасо говорит о все меньшей ориентации этих стран на США, пишет младший сотрудник программы Глобального Юга института Куинси Дэн Форд в статье для Responsible Statecraft."Создание этого нового альянса и недавние новости об образовании конфедерации — это еще один признак того, нас...

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На Западе признали, что в Африке поддерживают Россию

Фото: стоп-кадр / Военно-строительный комплекс Минобороны России / youtube.com Жители африканских государств поддерживают Россию, признал Жозеп Боррель, возглавляющий дипломатическую службу Евросоюза. По его словам, в Африке люди считают, что действия Москвы спасли Донбасс, сообщает ТАСС.Как сообщал «Русский мир», по мнению Президента РФ Владимира ...

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Russia and Iran to continue cooperation with new Iranian govt

 On the sidelines of the 10th BRICS Parliamentary Forum in St. Petersburg, Thursday (Jul. 11), Russia's President and the Iranian parliament speaker held a meeting. The talks were also attended by the speakers of both chambers of the Russian parliament. Iran is one of the BRICS' newest members. Vladimir Putin who said his country was delighted...

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Встреча с Председателем Межпарламентского союза Тулией Эксон

С Председателем Совета Федерации Валентиной Матвиенко и Председателем Государственной Думы Вячеславом Володиным на встрече с Председателем Межпарламентского союза, спикером Национальной Ассамблеи Танзании Тулией Эксон. Фото: Алексей Даничев, РИА «Новости»В Таврическом дворце Санкт-Петербурга состоялась встреча Владимира Путина с Председателем Межпа...

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Cameroon: Assembly extends mandate of deputies until 2026

 Cameroonian President Paul Biya on Tuesday won approval from lawmakers to push back legislative and local elections until 2026, a move opposition parties fear will complicate their ability to contest next year's presidential election. Lawmakers from Mr Biya's Cameroon People's Democratic Movement (CPDM), who hold the majority in the National ...

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Kenya: President Ruto to address the Nation

Kenya's President William Ruto is expected to address the nation on Thursday, July 11 at 2 p.m. local time (1100 GMT), his spokesperson announced. Hussein Mohamed, Ruto's spokesperson, did not reveal the topic of the address during the tweet on Thursday. Last week, Ruto proposed spending cuts and additional borrowing to fill a nearly $2.7 billion b...

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