


Kenyan police advance team leaves Haiti as international mission is delayed

 Kenyan police sent to check if they were ready to help stop violence in Haiti are coming back home. They said it's not the right time to go yet. They'll be back on Monday. A senior Kenyan official who declined to be named as they are not the official spokesperson said the bases are still under construction and crucial resources including vehi...

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Burkina Faso junta extends its transition term by 5 years

 Burkina Faso's military leader will stay in power for five more years after a new charter was signed following national consultations on Saturday, May 25. The talks in the capital, Ouagadougou, included civil society, security forces, and transitional lawmakers, but most political parties did not participate. "The duration of the transition i...

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Russian-African Relations Champion- Kenneth Kaunda. By Chimfwembe Mutale. Zambia

Zambia's first president Kenneth Kaunda was one of the prominent individual in Africa who played an incredible role in realizing Russian-African Relations. Diving deep into part of history of Africa to realize the situation Africa came from to understand how Russia played a key role in addition to Kenneth Kaunda's efforts ; Nowhere on earth did the...

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Поздравляем всех с Днём Африки!

🌍👏🎉🎊Российско-Африканский клуб МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова поздравляетколлег, друзей, всех, чья деятельность связана с африканским континентом,наших партнёров из разных стран мира, с Днём Африки! Желаем успешной, плодотворной работы и больших достижений в деле укрепления всестороннего сотрудничества между Россией и Африкой! 🤝Желаем всем странам и нар...

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Страны мира празднуют День Африки под лозунгом «Образование, отвечающее запросам 21 века»

День Африки отмечается на континенте в 61-й раз. Каждый год в преддверии даты Африканский Союз (АС) устанавливает особую тему для празднования, которую считает особенно важной. В 2024 году в фокусе внимания – образование.«Эта тема идеально согласуется с Повесткой дня на период до 2063 года, стратегической программой Африканского союза по социально-...

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South Sudanese refugees in Uganda yearn to go home and vote

 This is Bidibidi refugee settlement in West Nile, Uganda, where thousands of South Sudanese refugees have made a home. Since their government last month announced plans to begin voter registration in June, many are now yearning to go back home and vote in December. If in luck, 18-year-old Noel Amba will be a first-time voter. He arrived at th...

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Austin meets Ruto at Pentagon, eyes more treatment at Walter Reed

 U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin welcomed Kenyan President William Ruto to the Pentagon for bilateral talks ahead of expected travel to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for a medical procedure Friday. Austin continues to deal with bladder issues that arose following his treatment for prostate cancer late last year. The Pentagon...

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Explosion kills 11 workers at a sugar factory in Tanzania

11 workers of a sugar factory have been killed following an explosion at the factory which is located in Tanzania. The victims included three foreign nationals, police said. the explosion which occurred on Thursday, May 23 was a result of an electrical fault that caused a steam pipe to burst as a technical team was readying machines to start produc...

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Independent candidate calls for change as South Africa prepares for elections

 As South Africa gears up for elections on May 29, one independent candidate is calling for profound change in the country's politics. "There is literally no South African who needs to be convinced why we need to change. There isn't, not one," Anele Mda told the Associated Press on Thursday. Mda did not mince her words when she outlined what S...

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South Africa: Water at the center of election debate

The daily struggle starts early in Hammanskraal. By 8.30 a.m. there's a queue of South Africans waiting to fill buckets with drinking water from a tank provided by an aid agency. This is not a distant, rural community, but a settlement on the edge of the capital city of Africa's most advanced economy. It's barely 30 miles from the government buildi...

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 Les relations de coopération entre la République Centrafricaine (RCA), l'Union des Républiques Socialistes Soviétiques (URSS) devenue la Fédération de Russie ne datent pas d'aujourd'hui. Elles (les relations) tirent leur fondement dansle fait que le pays de Lénine n'a pas d'anciennes colonies et ne pratique pas la politique de l'exploitation ...

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Chris Honey and his contribution to Afro-Russian relations

By Sinazo Keswa  Chris Hani, whose late brother's name he had to adopt as an alias when joining uMkhonto we Sizwe, was born on 28 June 1942 in Sabalele village, Cofimvaba, Eastern Cape, South Africa. His real name, Martin Thembisile Hani, was the leader of the South African Communist Party and chief of staff of uMkhonto we Sizwe, the armed win...

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Lawyer commends court for acquitting Egyptian men in Greek shipwreck case

 Nine Egyptian men accused of causing a deadly shipwreck that killed hundreds of migrants last year were acquitted on Tuesday. The decision, made by Presiding Judge Eftichia Kontaratou in the southern Greek city of Kalamata, has been hailed by human rights activists who had long argued that the trial was compromised. The case centered on the t...

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At least 40 villagers shot dead in latest violence in Nigeria's conflict-hit north

 Armed men attacked remote villages in northcentral Nigeria, killing at least a dozen villagers during a late-night raid, authorities said Tuesday. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack which follows a similar pattern to yearslong violence in the region blamed on the fight for control over water and land between nomadic herders an...

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Chad PM resigns after interim president wins disputed May 6 elections

Chad's prime minister and opposition leader Succes Masra has resigned following the confirmation of interim President Mahamat Idriss Deby as the winner of the May 6 presidential election. "In accordance with the constitution, I have today presented... my resignation and that of the transitional government, which has become irrelevant with the end o...

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KNOWN AND UNKNOWN PERSONALITIES : Past and present Russian-African Interdependencies

 INTRODUCTION : DEFINING GREAT PERSONALITIES "Great Personalities" in the history of Russian-African relations has been redefined as known and unknown personalities in the recent or less recent history of Russian-African interdependent relations. It is a mix of a deep understanding of Russian-African historical relations in all key areas. Inte...

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Ma rencontre avec EGOUNTCHI

 Personnalité politique, révolutionnaire et fondateur de l'ONG Ligue de Défense noire africaine, ce leader panafricain partage sa vision des rapports russo-africains sur la scène internationale. Ce fut un mercredi 24 avril au « conference hall » de l'université de MGIMO, plus précisément à la cérémonie d'ouverture du 3e Forum international « R...

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WP узнала о финансировании ЕС насилия в отношении мигрантов в Африке

Европейский Союз (ЕС) финансирует деятельность стран Северной Африки, направленную на задержание нелегальных мигрантов, держащих путь в Европу, и их насильственную перевозку в отдаленные пустынные районы. Об этом 20 мая сообщила The Washington Post (WP) по результатам совместного расследования с организацией Lighthouse Reports и консорциумом междун...

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Al Qahera: Египет может обратиться к любому сценарию для защиты прав палестинцев

Египет допускает возможность применения всех сценариев для своей защиты и защиты прав палестинцев. Об этом информирует местный телеканал Al Qahera News, ссылаясь на источник в египетском истеблишменте. "Уважение Египтом своих обязательств и договоров не мешает ему использовать все доступные сценарии для поддержания своей национальной безопасности и...

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Африка против Франция теряет позиции

Очередные неприятные для Парижа новости нагрянули из Африки. Главы МИД Буркина-Фасо, Мали и Нигера в ходе встречи в Ниамее утвердили проект, который проложит путь к созданию конфедерации Альянса государств Сахеля. После утверждения главами МИД документ должны будут подписать лидеры трех стран. Сам Альянс в качестве военного союза фактически сложилс...

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