


Sudan: RSF kills at least 100 in attack on village - activists say

 At least 100 people were killed, and dozens were injured after the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces attacked a village in Gezira province in Sudan on Wednesday, officials said. Women, children, and elderly were among the victims in the attacks by the Rapid Support Forces on Wad al-Noura village in Gezira, Mini Arko Minawi, the governor of Da...

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UN: Somalia elected to Security Council after more than 50 years

 Somalia was elected on Thursday (Jun. 6) to serve on the UN security council as a non-permanent member for two years. Denmark, Greece, Pakistan and Panama also got seats on the U.N. Security Council in a secret ballot in the General Assembly. The 193-member world body elected five countries. The 10 non-permanent seats on the 15-member council...

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Fire at Congo displacement camp leaves dozens homeless, UN reports

 A fire at a displacement camp in eastern Congo destroyed around 50 makeshift tents, leaving dozens of families without shelter, according to the United Nations, which said the fire is believed to have started during cooking at a camp. The Muganga displaced people camp near the provincial capital Goma was hit by fire Wednesday. It had already ...

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South Africa questions its identity, strengthens democracy

 South Africa is undergoing intense introspection following an election that resulted in a significant break from the African National Congress, the party that secured the nation's freedom and democracy three decades ago. In the wake of turning away from what was once the country's most cherished party, South Africans are grappling with crucia...

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South African President joins key party meeting on new government formation

 South African President Cyril Ramaphosa met with senior officials of the African National Congress on Thursday to decide how to go about forming a government after the party lost its 30-year grip on power and left a post-election deadlock. The party's National Executive Committee was meeting in Johannesburg to work through a split within the ...

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Iran's new FM visits Lebanon, Syria on first international trip

Iran's acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani met with Syrian President Bashar Assad on Tuesday in his first international trip. Kani, who was in Lebanon the day before, met with Syrian officials including Syria's Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad. Iran and Russia have been the main backers of Assad during Syria's 13-year conflict that has killed ha...

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South Korea seeks to expand mineral ties with some African countries

 South Korean leader Yoon Suk Yeol vowed shared growth, sustainability and solidarity on the second and final day of the inaugural Korea-Africa Summit. The business forum in Seoul was attended by local and African industry leaders. President Yoon announced during a business forum on Wednesday (Jun. 5) that his country will establish a mineral ...

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Lavrov arrives in Burkina Faso, third leg of his Africa tour

 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrived in Burkina Faso late on Tuesday (Jun. 4) as he continued his latest tour of Africa. It is his first visit to the west African nation. Burkina Faso's foreign minister Karamoko Jean-Marie Traore hosted his Russian counterpart. In his opening remarks at talks with minister Traoré, Lavrov hailed rap...

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South Korea-Africa summit: 25 heads of state attend maiden meeting

Representatives from 48 African nations are attending the first-ever Korea-Africa summit. The 2-day talks which opened on Tuesday (Jun. 3) are expected to focus on trade, technology and investment. South Korean officials say expanding ties in the area of minerals and resources would help improve the country's supply chain resilience in key industri...

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Haiti: Garry Conille sworn in as Prime Minister

Garry Conille was officially sworn in Monday (Jun. 3) as Haiti's new Prime minister. A short ceremony was held at the Prime Minister's office in the capital, Port-au-Prince. Conille took over from interim PM Patrick Boisvert. The 58-year-old who shares executive power with the Presidential Council, has called political factions to set aside their d...

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РФ усиливает позиции в Африке: что Лавров обсудил с гвинейским коллегой

В эти дни Россия усиливает свои позиции в Африке. У Сергея Лаврова началась большая поездка сразу по нескольким странам континента. Первая остановка в Гвинее, где, судя по первым заявлениям, очень ждут нового этапа сотрудничества. Все детали – в материале корреспондента РЕН ТВ Ксении Солдатовой. От Москвы до Конакри лететь 12 часов, но в плане сотр...

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Дела «ладятся» и в Африке: в Египте откроется производство машин Lada

Министр торговли и промышленности Египта Ахмед Самир подтвердил скорое начало эксплуатации завода по производству автомобилей «Лада» в городе Тарбул. Предприятие заработает уже в 2025 году. Об этом сегодня, 3 июня, сообщает «РИА Новости». Мощность завода составит 50−70 тысяч машин ежегодно. Договор о начале проекта АвтоВАЗ подписал с египетской ком...

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Лавров прибыл в Гвинею

 Министр иностранных дел России Сергей Лавров прибыл в столицу Гвинеи — Конакри, с которой у него начинается поездка по Африке, передает корреспондент РИА Новости.Этот визит станет шестым за последние два года на африканский континент. У трапа Лаврова встречал его гвинейский коллега Морисанда Куяте. В июле 2022 года министр посетил Египет, Эфи...

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ANC says Ramaphosa will not step down for the sake of a coalition

South Africa's African National Congress party will not consider any demands from possible coalition partners that President Cyril Ramaphosa step down, a top official said Sunday, as the ANC attempted to present a united front after a stinging election result ended its 30-year majority. As South Africa heads for a series of complex talks to form a ...

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South Africa heads for coalition era after IEC declares election results

 Official results confirmed Sunday (Jun. 2) that no party won a majority in South Africa's election as unprecedented coalition talks begin. 58.6% of voters cast a ballot in the parliamentary poll which saw the ANC win a little over 40%. According to Professor Patrick Bond, a political analyst from the University of Johannesburg, that leaves th...

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China's monitoring progress of negotiations on Zambia's debt restructuring

China is closely monitoring the progress of negotiations on Zambia's debt restructuring and will take steps to support Zambia in dealing with relevant issues, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said on Friday. At a regular press conference in Beijing, Mao stressed that China is playing a crucial role in this issue. "Congratulations on the ...

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Посол рассказал о закупках Сенегалом нефтепродуктов из России

Сенегал занимает второе место среди стран Африки южнее Сахары по закупкам российских нефтепродуктов, многие компании Дакара просят Москву найти партнеров по их закупкам, заявил в интервью РИА Новости посол России в Сенегале Дмитрий Кураков."Объем поставок российских нефтепродуктов достаточно великий. Сенегал занимает второе место, насколько я знаю,...

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Россия и Сенегал хотят создать комиссию по экономическому сотрудничеству

Россия и Сенегал планируют создать комиссию по экономическому сотрудничеству, она может способствовать увеличению товарооборота, заявил в интервью РИА Новости посол РФ в Сенегале Дмитрий Кураков. "Мы рассчитываем на создание совместной комиссии по экономическому сотрудничеству. Сейчас все зависит от сенегальской стороны", - сказал Кураков. "С учето...

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Отстоять уран: Франция обеспокоилась влиянием Ирана в Африке

Франция обеспокоена предполагаемым сближением Ирана и Нигера и, в частности, сообщениями о возможном получении Тегераном доступа к урану в африканской стране. На Западе подозревают иранские власти в стремлении приобрести у нигерийцев 300 т концентрата урана в обмен на оружие. Подробности — в материале «Известий». Уран в обмен на оружие Онлайн-порта...

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AP сообщило о нелегальном вывозе золота из Африки на десятки миллиардов долларов

Ежегодно из Африки нелегально вывозится золото на десятки миллиардов долларов, сообщило 31 мая агентство Associated Press со ссылкой на доклад швейцарской организации Swissaid. По ее данным, в 2022 году с континента было незаконно вывезено 435 т золота на сумму более $30 млрд. Основными потребителями ценного металла стали Объединенные Арабские Эмир...

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