


Zimbabwean businesswoman receives $5000 fine over a smuggling charge

Zimbabwean businesswoman fined $5,000 for attempting to smuggle $330,000 worth of gold.Henrietta Rushwaya is allegedly President Mnangagwa's niece,An Al Jazeera investigation reveals gold smuggling networks involved. A well-known businesswoman in Zimbabwe was fined $5,000 (£4,000) by a Zimbabwean court for attempting to smuggle more than $330,000 w...

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Kenya's President William Ruto makes 'Time Magazine' 100 world leaders climate action list

Time Magazine just gave a nod to President William Ruto, placing him on the debut TIME100 Climate list. He's in the company of influential leaders globally who are steering businesses towards impactful climate action. Specifically labelled a "defender," Time recognized Ruto as a "leader on green investment for Africa." In a chat with Time Magazine,...

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A new country is set to join the burgeoning East African Community

Somalia is likely to be admitted to the EAC in November.Presidents of surrounding countries are anticipated to support Somalia's admission.Standard gauge railway to link Dar es Salaam to Burundi and DR Congo. According to Secretary-General Peter Mathuki of the East African Community (EAC), Somalia may be granted membership in the group this month. ...

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870 Kenyans face the risk of unemployment and the loss of billions

Base Titanium's impending exit could result in the loss of 870 local jobs. Kenya is set to lose billions in annual tax revenue and royalties. The Australian company, Base Resources, cites insufficient titanium resources for the closure. About 870 jobs are expected to be lost once Base Titanium, a mine located in the Kenyan town of Kwale, leaves the...

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Africa's food and agriculture market is expected to reach $1 trillion by 2030

Africa Development Bank (AfDB) has announced the launch of the Special Agro-Industrial Processing Zones Alliance (SAPZ).The project aims to mobilise at least $2 billion in financing and investment commitments from its members over the next five years.President of the African Development Bank, Femi Adesina, says the project is a significant step tow...

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Telecoms giant MTN plans to exit three African markets

African telecommunication giant MTN is considering exiting three markets on the continent. These changes will reduce the tally to five operating countries in the group's West and Central Africa (Weca) segment of its portfolio.The three countries are not major contributors to MTN's revenue, accounting for only 1.6% of its total revenue in 2022. Afri...

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Senator Chris Coons pushes for the extension of US-Africa program to 2041

Democratic Senator Chris Coons, a prominent figure in U.S.-Africa policy, has proposed a 16-year extension for the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).Discussions are currently in progress regarding the renewal of the program that has been in place for two decades and is set to expire in 2025.In 2022, African exports worth over $10 billion ac...

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China’s investment in Africa’s energy sector reaches a 20-year low

China halts support for African energy projects, reducing total loans to under $1 billion.President Xi Jinping emphasizes the 'green' Belt and Road Initiative.A recent Boston University report reveals China's shift in lending policy. Due to growing financial distress concerns among numerous African nations and Beijing's domestic economic difficulti...

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South African opera singers shine at World opera competition

**Operalia, one of the most prestigious opera competitions in the world has come to South Africa second largest city. 4 of the 5 South Africans selected this year among about 800 singers qualified for the semi-finalists announced on Oct. 31.** In a studio at the Cape Town opera house, singer Nombulelo Yende rehearses for her Operalia audition. Oper...

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© https://www.africanews.com/2023/11/01/south-african-opera-singers-shine-at-world-opera-competition/


In conservative Somalia, an online app to find your soulmate

In Somalia, a new dating app is enjoying great success. But in this conservative Muslim society in the Horn of Africa, Guurdoon isn't a new Tinder for multiplying conquests: it's aimed at finding a soulmate to start a family. Launched in October 2022, the application already has tens of thousands of subscribers, according to its founders. On "Guurd...

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Южная Африка увеличит налоговые поступления на фоне растущих прогнозов долга

Министр финансов ЮАР планирует провести налоговую реформу в следующем году для решения финансовых проблем, вызванных сокращением доходов от добычи полезных ископаемых, как указано в среднесрочном обзоре бюджета, опубликованном в среду. В бюджетном отчете, представленном парламенту, прогнозируется больший дефицит в течение следующих трех лет и более...

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Уганда прекращает свою зависимость от Кении в удовлетворении своих потребностей в нефти и берет свою судьбу в свои руки

Законопроект, позволяющий государственной нефтяной компании Uganda National Oil Business (Unoc) покупать и поставлять нефть на внутренний рынок Уганды, был принят кабинетом министров страны. Законопроект отменит нынешний метод импорта нефти через кенийских оптовиков, если он будет одобрен парламентом. Целью этой новой инициативы, по словам министра...

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