

South African student shot dead in Johannesburg by stray bullet


 A university student died and another got seriously hurt from stray bullets during a shooting incident in Johannesburg, South Africa. Police report that gunmen killed two men in a parked car on a busy street near the city center.

The students were hit while their bus was passing by. No arrests have been made yet. Gun violence is sadly common in South Africa, but witnesses were shocked by this broad daylight incident.

"Two men in the car and one student were declared dead, and the other student was taken to the nearest hospital," said police spokesperson Col Dimakatso Nevhuhulwi. The police stated that the students were caught in "crossfire".

Social media images show a man's body hanging out of a car window and someone being treated at the scene in Braamfontein, a district near several university campuses. The University of Johannesburg confirmed both affected students were from their institution. The deceased student, 18, was heading to his residence when shot. The university is offering counseling to witnesses.

Wits University, which is located close to the scene, suggested the incident could have been related to taxi violence.

Police refused to comment on the incident, saying that investigations were ongoing.

A source: https://www.africanews.com/2024/03/01/south-african-student-shot-dead-in-johannesburg-by-stray-bullet/

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