


Professor Lily Golden: Unforgettable African-Russian Academic and Social Influencer

African-Russian Professor Lily Golden and her excellent thoughtful academic works have been in the historical realm, still considered as foundations to multifaceted relations from the Soviet times until today. During the Soviet era, at the height of political tensions between the West and East, was the period when many African states were in dire n...

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Professor Irina O. Abramova: Closing the Gender Gap in Russian-African Relations

While analysing several reports after the collapse of the Soviet era, thus opening a new chapter in relations with and the strategic importance for Africa, it is very noticeable to count only on finger tips women who devoted their [proactive] energy and enthusiastic power to strengthening relations between Russia and Africa. It is well-known the So...

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First Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev: Great Personality in the History of Russian-African Relations

Unbelievably, it was a fiction of political crash with the highest preposterous sound in 1991, it was indeed the final end of the powerful Soviet Union formed on the legitimate toil and sweat of the proletariat in 1917. Throughout its long decades, it unreservedly supported the political liberation struggle of third world countries, majority of the...

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Rossiiskii Universitet Druzhby Narodov: More than Sixty Years of Diplomacy and its Impact on Africa's Development

The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, one of Russia's largest internationally oriented, educational and research institutions, has already marked the 60th year of its establishment, and there has been an appreciable implications for economic development and supporting sustainable diplomacy across Africa. In those 60 years, RUDN has grown fr...

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