


Sanskrit- The language of Vast treasures of Knowledge, Not a Dead Language-Analysis of Hiranya Garbhah as Equivalent to Higgs Boson Particle and Quantam Physics

       By Prof (Dr) Ratnesh Dwivedi, Awarded Academic & Foreign Correspondent, India Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript. The Vedas were always respected and the learned men always passed in on to the next generation but at the same time more layers of knowledge appeared for the sake of making the high and abstract knowledge available to...

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Canada's Political Interests Drive Its Tolerance of Terrorism: Challenging Global Security and Peace

Ratnesh Dwivedi, Academic and Foreign Correspondent Pakistan is pass é, Canada is India's new enemy No.1. -Times of India Recently, the Canadian government accused Indian agents of involvement in the assassination of Nijjar in June. However, these absurd accusationsappear to be driven by motives of Canadian domestic political interests. According t...

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