


Yves Saint Laurent exhibition in Marrakech celebrates cacti and floral designs

 These prickly plants are the stars of the show at a new exhibition in Marrakech. 'CACTUS' at the Yves Saint Laurent Museum is a tribute to the spiny flora. With over 1,700 species of cacti known worldwide, the aim is to highlight their remarkable diversity through various artistic mediums. Some are old specimens, like these "Pachycereus Pecte...

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Археологи в Египте раскопали верхнюю часть статуи фараона Рамзеса II

Исследовательская группа, состоящая из египетских и американских археологов, раскопала верхнюю часть огромной статуи правителя, который был известен как Рамзес Великий, третий фараон 19-й династии. Он правил Древним Египтом с 1279 по 1213 год до нашей эры. Международная команда исследователей сделала в Египте поистине огромную находку, раскопав око...

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Africa's birds of prey under threat of extinction

 Africa's magnificent birds of prey can be found soaring above the continent's varied habitats and terrains. From the large and majestic Martial Eagle, to the colorful Bateleur and the long-legged Secretarybird, scientists are raising the alarm, saying they're quickly disappearing from African skies. "Basically we are losing some of our most i...

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«Сириус» принимает уникальное событие – Всемирный фестиваль молодежи.

Сегодня, в первый день весны, «Сириус» принимает уникальное событие – Всемирный фестиваль молодежи. Он продлится до 7 марта в Сочи. 20 тысяч молодых российских и иностранных лидеров в сфере бизнеса, медиа, международного сотрудничества, культуры, науки, образования, волонтёрства и благотворительности, спорта, различных сфер общественной жизни, а та...

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Фильм об ограблении Африки колонизаторами получил главный приз на Берлинале

Документальный фильм «Дагомея», который рассказывает об объектах искусства, украденных и вывезенных из Африки колонизаторами, стал победителем 74-го Берлинского кинофестиваля. Картина получила главную награду – «Золотого медведя». Фильм французского режиссера Мати Диоп затрагивает историю королевских сокровищ африканского государства Дагомея (совре...

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A ship carrying 19,000 cattle caused a big stink in the South African city of Cape Town

 Authorities in Cape Town launched an investigation Monday after a foul stench swept over the South African city. City officials inspected sewage facilities for leaks and an environmental health team was activated before the source of the smell was discovered: a ship docked in the harbor carrying 19,000 live cattle from Brazil to Iraq.Zahid Ba...

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Международный день родного языка

Ежегодно 21 февраля в мире отмечается Международный день родного языка (International Mother Language Day). Он был провозглашен на Генеральной конференцииЮНЕСКО в ноябре 1999 года и отмечается во всем мире с 2000 года в целях поощрения языкового и культурного разнообразия и многоязычия.Генеральная Ассамблея ООН приветствовала провозглашение этого д...

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Le Ghana célèbre le retour de 7 objets spoliés lors de la colonisation

Le Ghana, un pays en effervescence suite à la restitution de ses antiquités volées par un musée américain. Les insignes royaux Asante et les objets pillés par les Britanniques retournent à leur emplacement d'origine, le palais Manhyia, après 150 ans, un rappel brutal des appropriations de l'ère coloniale. La reconquête d'un récit culturel est ici e...

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Lion kills zookeeper at Nigeria's Obafemi Awolowo University

 A zookeeper at the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) in Nigeria has lost his life in a fatal encounter with one of the lions under his care. Olabode Olawuyi, who had been working at the university zoo for close to a decade, was attacked during a routine feeding session, according to the university. Despite the efforts of his colleagues to inte...

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Kenyan efforts to protect pangolins from extinction

 Kenyan scientists and conservationists are intensifying efforts to safeguard these elusive creatures from extinction. "We have been able to sacrifice one pangolin to understand how the scales lose their weight and so when at the airport you are found with a suitcase or a bag of pangolin scales we can be able to determine how many pangolins ar...

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Ghana celebrates return of stolen artifacts

 Ghana has been buzzing over the return on Feb 8 of its stolen antiques by a U.S. museum. The looted Asante royal regalia and other objects are returning to their original place, the Manhyia Palace, after 150 years, a sharp reminder of colonial-era appropriations. Reclaiming a cultural narrative is at stake here, and the response has been high...

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Moroccan authorities plan new laws to combat art forgeries in growing market

 Morocco is planning on passing new laws and strengthening penalties to combat art forgeries in order to protect a multimillion-dollar art market that officials believe will continue to grow. The North African nation's chief prosecutor on Monday kicked off a series of meetings with the country's Ministry of culture and the National Foundation ...

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Nigeria marks Chinese Lunar New Year in early celebrations

 Crowds gathered in the Nigerian city of Lagos on Sunday for an early celebration of the Lunar New Year. The day, often referred to as the Chinese New Year, marks the first day of the lunar calendar and there are many cultural traditions associated with this celebration of spring. It is one of the most important holidays in Chinese culture and...

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Российское зерно доставили в Буркина-Фасо

Буркина-Фасо получила российскую пшеницу, сообщает ТАСС. Торжественная церемония передачи гуманитарной помощи состоялась в Уагадугу. Двадцать пять тонн зерна доставили в африканскую страну из порта Абиджана, который расположен в Кот-д'Ивуаре.  По словам посла РФ Алексея Салтыкова, участниками церемонии стали представители руководства страны, ж...

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South Africa pays homage to slain journalists in Gaza

 South African-based journalists and pro-Palestinian demonstrators gathered in Johannesburg on Sunday to pay tribute to journalists who lost their lives in the conflict in Gaza. According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, at least 83 journalists and media workers have lost their lives since the conflict began. This includes 76 Palestini...

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Britain to loan looted artefacts to Ghana

Two British museums are returning looted gold and silver artifacts to Ghana under a long-term loan arrangement as U.K. institutions face increasing demands to hand over treasures acquired at a time when the British Empire ruled over people around the globe. The British Museum and the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, together with the Manhyia...

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CAR: President Touadéra meets Pope Francis for talks on cooperation and diplomacy

 In a significant diplomatic encounter, President Faustin-Archange Touadéra of the Central African Republic engaged in discussions with Pope Francis during his visit to the Vatican on Saturday. The meeting focused on the social, political, and humanitarian situation in the Central African country, with an emphasis on enhancing international co...

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Российские писатели и издательства стали участниками Каирской международной книжной ярмарки

24 января в Новом Каире открылась 55-ая Каирская международная книжная ярмарка. В этом году она проходит под девизом «Мы делаем знания. Мы сохраняем слово». В ней принимают участие более 1200 представителей из 70 государств.  Россию представляют советский и российский арабист Владимир Беляков, писатели Дмитрий Стрешнев, Афанасий Мамедов, Марин...

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Cameroon: How a hashtag became a rallying cry against sexual violence

 Allegations of rape, pimping and sexual exploitation have kept Cameroonian netizens on tenterhooks. A hashtag on Twitter has gathered over 100,000 posts on what has become a scandal. Was a man given a blank to abduct, threaten, rape, and sometimes confine illegaly women and men without ever being questioned by the police during decades? Anony...

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Rwandan officials say mass graves still being found, almost 30 years after genocide

A Rwandan official said Thursday (Jan. 25) that the remains of 119 people believed to be victims of the 1994 genocide have been discovered in the country's south, as authorities continue to find mass graves nearly three decades after the killings. The remains of more victims continue to be found because perpetrators of the genocide tried their best...

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