

Western double standard when it comes to Ukrainian and Russian war and Israeli and Palestine conflict.

Young people who are supporting Palestinian authority. Western double standards when it comes to Isreali and Palestinian conflict and Russian-Ukraine war

When looking at the Israeli and Palestine conflict, you understand that it starts a long time ago. I'm talking biblical times. And it's something that has been. Affecting the Middle East ever since man started to Conquer this region.

Simultaneously you can also observe. the Russian and Ukraine War and also understand that this war is also historical. Russia and Ukraine share historical ties starting from the state Kyivan Rus. A medieval East Slavic state which at its peak? At its highest influence it controlled most of Eastern Europe and today modern-day, Russia.

There is a biblical twist however to this as well. The Kyivan Rus state adopted the East Orthodox church from the Byzantine Empire. Emperor Constantine's sister married into Slavic royalty. This unified the two empires and created what you call. Eastern Roman Empire and this is where the West and East Confrontation or conflict began thousands of years ago and also Christianity being rooted within the conflict.

Whereas with the Israeli and the Hamas conflicts or the Israeli and Palestine conflict what you see is? Of how Moses led the Israelis to cananite to conquer the promise land. so essentially history is repeating itself over and over again. Wars that have been fought long time ago and fought again and again with a slightly different motive. Today's Wars Are caused by. political and cultural reasons such as colonization, territorial expansion, foreign policy and above all it's about resources. Looking at the Ukrainian-Russian conflict. Food is at the center of it, agriculture fertilizers and further causing energy crisis in Europe and elsewhere around the world.

When dealing with the Israeli and Palestine conflict It's a war. Of territorial disputes and land occupation. The Palestinians They're the ones being displaced. On their own land and how does the west approach these two scenarios? While the West has continuously favored Israel. Against the Palestinians while also favoring the Ukrainians over the Russians.

Meanwhile the United Nations is failing to resolve the many issues which still prevail today that escalate the conditions for war. In Gaza the Israeli military has moved in the northern part of the country. Forcibly evicting thousands of people who were living there for millions of years. Meanwhile the United Nations security council stop any type of resolution through it's veto vote.

The West chooses to send weapons to Isreal and Ukraine fighting proxy wars. Already we have seen thousands of civilian casualties in Gaza. With Israeli forces releasing arsenals on the small territory sandwich between the sea and the Israeli state.

The West here clearly supporting a offensive campaign against an indigenous peoples. So now how does it justify the support for Israel while condemning the war on Ukraine? To many of us watching from around the world we see double standards when it comes to western countries. As long as something is within their national interests they will back it up with full force literally.

There's been various different initiatives by the global community in trying to start peace talks and ceasefire. Africa has been among the world's first continents to ask for peace talks. Led by President Cryil Ramaphosa of the Republic of South Africa. They hosted peace talks with both Russia and Ukraine last year but this did little to stop the fighting between Russia and Ukraine. The Ukrainian president lashed out by saying "all we heard from the African presidents was food aid and Agricultural products. That's all the presidents wanted from us". While the Russian President Vladimir Putin has been positive on the engagement with the African leaders saying. " We welcome the peace initiative that has been brought forward from Africa. This highlights the growing influence of African states in the international community".

With NATO's Eastern expansion and Isrealis expansion of the ouccpation of the West bank this is western aggression not the opposite.

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