

Western dominance diminishing


 It's been a few weeks into 2024 and already we see nations struggling for power and control over their allies. With war waging in different parts of the world strong nations are choosing sides. Weaker nations are either bullied to pick a side or manipulated to convert to another side.

The battles lines are drawn and some say this could be the beginning of the end. As we see cold war like scenarios unfolding. The brics nations since South Africa's chairmanship last year is expanding its influence over smaller nations. The group has added nations into the alliance. Most of these nations being added into the brics+ are part of the Arabic league countries such as the republic of Egypt, UAE and Iran.

On the other end of the globe Russia is growing in influence in Africa and African countries. This began when Russia created the first Russia-Africa summit and the Russia-Africa partnership forums. The President of the Russian federation Mr Vladimir Putin also admitted that since the collapse of the Soviet union, what he calls the greatest geopolitical catastrophe in the 19 century. "He says Russia left Africa to fix its own internal affairs and now it is ready to make a return to Africa."

This comes at a time when Russia is being isolated by the West and in 2022. Russia invaded Ukraine and saw the largest sanctions package ever unleashed on single country. This the West thought will halt the war in Ukraine and cripple the Russian economy. Though the alternative occurred because Russia's economy has actually grown in the past couple of months. The IMF predicts that the Russian economy will grow even stronger in 2024 given it's analysis.

Thus then this brings questions about whether or not western sanctions still work? Or has Russia found a loop hole in the maze? Same economist and political analyst say as long as China and India. Arguable the two strongest economies in the world support Russia by buying it's crude oil. The chances of sanctions actually having an effect is minimalistic to say the least.

Russia is growing in influence not only in Europe but also in Africa and Asia. As North Korean leader Kim jong Un has now visited Moscow last year. This was the first time the North Korean leader has left his own country. China is also building closer ties with Russia and North Korea. China's growth is the most evident as you see the countries military expenditure increase in the last year's. Also, China's economy has surpass that of the US in terms of Nominal GDP growth.

India is also growing in influence not only financially but also militarily as technologically. India's manufacturing sector has been on the rise for a while now. India is now exporting more automobiles then ever before. It's science and technological advancements in AI, internet of things and the internet in general. Today there are more people on the internet in India then anywhere else on the planet. This shows that the countries population is digital smart and this is a great thing. Cause everything has migrated to the internet especially after covid19 were seeing more delivery motor bikes on the streets more carpool companies opening up as well as ecommerce. Both China and India have a large populations of billions of people which can be an advantage given the size of the mass market.

India is also growing in influence not only financially but also militarily as technologically. India's manufacturing sector has been on the rise for a while now. India is now exporting more automobiles then ever before. It's science and technological advancements in AI, internet of things and the internet in general. Today there are more people on the internet in India then anywhere else on the planet. This shows that the countries population is digital smart and this is a great thing. Cause everything has migrated to the internet especially after covid19 were seeing more delivery motor bikes on the streets more carpool companies opening up as well as ecommerce. Both China and India have a large populations of billions of people which can be an advantage given the size of the mass market.

In Africa, South Africa has been among the world's most visited countries. Cape Town has cling to the top destination in the world. Before covid19 Cape Town was the world's most visited city. In 2023 festive season saw a bounce back to pre covid19 pandemic tourism levels. As the Cape Town international airport saw the largest number of tourist coming through it's broader gates. 350 000 00 people to be exact. That's the largest number of expat in the history of the airports existence.

Also, in foreign policy South Africa has been among the world's most vocal on the situation in Gaza. The Republic of South Africa took the state of Israel to the UN International criminal justice courts to try prevent a genocide or genocidal activity in Gaza.

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