

MSU Russian-African Club conference discusses practical ideas for developing humanitarian co-operation


The Russian-African Club of Lomonosov MSU held an International Conference: "Development of Cultural and Humanitarian Cooperation between Russia and African Countries." The event took place at the Faculty of Global Studies of Moscow State University.

The conference was attended by more than 100 people, representatives of 30 countries of the African continent and Russia. Among them were Russian and African diplomats, government and public figures, leaders of African diasporas, activists of non-governmental and youth organizations, Africanists, representatives of the film industry, mass communications, sports, culture and education.

The conference was opened by Ilya Ilyin, Dean of the Faculty of Global Studies of Moscow State University, Chairman of the Russian UNESCO Committee for Management of Social Transformations (MOST) Programme, First Vice-President of the Russian-African Club of Lomonosov Moscow State University. He congratulated the delegates on the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences and conveyed greetings from the President of the Russian-African Club of Lomonosov MSU, Academician, and Rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy. Mr. Ilyin noted the successful work of the Club and expressed confidence that practical proposals will be developed during the conference and then be sent to the Secretariat of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum. The dean was the first to put forward a practical proposal for the creation of an International University Ambassadors Movement (IUAM). In his opinion, the establishment of IUAM would be especially relevant in light of the upcoming World Youth Festival in Sochi in March this year.

"In the recent years, African countries have demonstrated a steadily growing interest in learning Russian and subsequently obtaining specialised, technical and higher education in Russian civilian and military educational institutions," said Oleg Ozerov, Chairman of the Council of the Russian-African Club of Lomonosov MSU and Head of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum Secretariat.

Member of the South African Parliament Zolani Mkiva, famous African poet and cultural activist, underlined the special importance of the conference topic. He recalled the historical friendly ties between Russia and African countries, and stressed the need to build relations between peoples, relying on cultural programmes.

Speaking on the topic of Russian-African cooperation in the field of science and education, Professor Paul Chisale, Acting Vice Chancellor at Copperbelt University in Zambia, noted that Russia is an advanced country with enormous technological, scientific, and educational potential. Africa can learn a lot from cooperation with Russia. These are joint scientific projects, exchanges between teachers and students.

The conference also discussed the issue of practical activities in the field of preservation, restoration and protection of Russian and African cultural property.

Daria Vanyukova, researcher at the State Museum of Oriental Art and Galli Monastyreva, adviser on humanitarian issues of the Association for Economic Cooperation with African Countries, spoke about the experience of implementing museum, cultural and educational projects in Africa using the example of Mali. The speakers called for expanding the humanitarian cooperation geography in Africa and rolling-out educational projects across all countries of the continent.

Head of the Department for Global Social Processes and Work with Youth of the Faculty of Global Studies of Lomonosov MSU Natalya Smakotina proposed conducting special educational programmes on working with youth aimed at friendship and cooperation.

In conclusion, the Executive Secretary of the Russian-African Club, Alexander Berdnikov highlighted the main directions in which the work of the Club will continue. All proposals will be included in the final document of the conference and will be transferred to government agencies that are involved in Russian-African cooperation. This is reported by the website of the Russian-African Club of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Photo: Russian-African Club of Lomonosov Moscow State University
Text copied from https://tvbrics.com/en/news/the-conference-of-the-russian-african-club-of-msu-discussed-practical-ideas-for-the-development-of-h/ 

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