By Moderator on 01.12.2023
Category: Наши публикации в зарубежных СМИ

Наши публикации в зарубежных СМИ, октябрь-ноябрь 2023

1. Публикации о наших мероприятиях в канале TV BRICS:

Английская версия

2. Публикация пост-релиза заседания 9.11.23 в СМИ ЮАР:

3. Публикация в пост-релиза от 9.11.23 в СМИ Аргентины:

4. Материал в новостях государственного ТВ Буркина-Фасо о благотворительной акции, в которой принимали участие так же и члены нашего клуба ( Почётный консул Буркина-Фасо в СПб Анна Григорьевна Рачина (Кулибали), советник почетного консула Буркина Фасо Мусиенко А.А.)

5. В африканских СМИ о заседании по изменениям климата 26.10.23:

6. Публикации в африканских СМИ о заседании клуба по РусАфромедиа от 9.11.23:

7. Публикация в СМИ Нигера эксперта клуба профессора Мориса Околи, где он рассказывает о деятельности РА клуба МГУ.

8. Публикация в СМИ ЮАР о деятельности клуба от нашего постоянного эксперта, журналиста и блогера, делегата ПМЭФ 2021 Хола Кесва. Он рассказывает о его участии в ПМЭФ, а так же о деятельности РА клуба МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова:

« I'd like to participate at the Globalistics conference 2024 in Moscow State university. Since last year I've been a part of the RusAfro club after I attended the SPIEF 2023. I met Diana a Sputnik journalist who interviewed me as part of the New generation programme.

She later invited me to attend the Russian-African club round table discussion on the development of public diplomacy between Russia and Africa countries. As well as attend the Russian-African club session on media cooperation between Russia and Africa countries. Lastly I was invited to part take in the Russian-African club session on global climate change challenges and solutions.

I was also invited to become a member of the Russian-African club media platform called RusAfro media platform. Where I am a blogger and journalist who is writing about my own personal experiences as well as global pressing issues and politics. This has been a grand experience for me since first joining the club. I've had the opportunity to meet both South African deplomates as well as diplomats representing other African countries as part of the RusAfro club. Like the diplomat at large to Russia and Eurasia of Benin.

I'd like attend this particular event because I have been involved in similar conferences. In 2019 I was one of 50 young leaders who were selected to attend the Club of Rome youth summit. One of the first Club of Rome summit's to include young people from across the world. Out of this the Club of Rome developed their youth chapter called 50

I was one of the few young people who advocated for a youth chapter in the Club of Rome. Through all this involvement it has accumulated to me acquiring the unique information beginning discuss in such conferences.»

9. Эксперты РА клуба из Чада рассказывают каналу RT в их стране о деятельности клуба:


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