By Рудо Абимбола on 22.03.2024
Category: Политика

The US sanctions its second Zimbabwean head of state

President Emmerson Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe has been sanctioned by the United States. Allegations of corruption serve as the basis for the sanctions on the Zimbabwean leader. The US's sanction on the Zimbabwean leader is part of an ongoing program that has lasted for over 2 decades, dating back to Robert Mugabe's rule. 

The US's sanctions on the Zimbabwean leader as reported by the BBC, is an extension of a program that was inaugurated over 2 decades ago.

Some high-ranking officials in the nation would similarly be affected by the sanction, which bars them from traveling to the US unofficially and freezes their assets there.

"We continue to witness gross abuses of political, economic, and human rights. The targeting of civil society and severe restrictions on political activity have stifled fundamental freedoms, while key actors, including government leaders, have siphoned off public resources for personal gains.," a statement from the White House reads.

"These illicit activities support and contribute to a global criminal network of bribery, smuggling, and money laundering that impoverish communities in Zimbabwe, southern Africa, and other parts of the world," it added.

Conversely, "multiple cases of abductions, physical abuse, and unlawful killing" in Zimbabwe that had left people "living in fear" were mentioned by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

The White House stated that it was "refocusing and elevating its efforts to hold accountable the individuals and entities that are responsible for this exploitation."

Zimbabwean officials on the US's sanctions lists according to the BBC includes, First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa, Vice President Constantino Chiwenga, and Defence Minister Oppah Muchinguri.

Additionally, some members of the country's police force and businesspeople including the presidential advisor Kudakwashe Tagwirei, his wife, and two of their businesses. were listed in connection to corrupt practices.

US sanctions on Zimbabwean leaders date back to the 90s when they first issued a sanction to the then-president, Robert Mugabe, and several high-ranking officials under his cabinet.​

Source: Businessinsider Africa

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