By Moderator on 19.11.2023
Category: Политика

The Russian-African outlook on climate change challenges

 On October 26, 2023, in the framework of the International Scientific Congress "Globalistics-2023" was held the meeting of the Russian-African Club. It was dedicated to the upcoming 270th anniversary of Moscow University in 2025. The Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Congress and the Honorary President of the Club is the Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University Academician V.A. Sadovnichy.

The common subject of this discussion stated as "The Global Climate Change Challenges: expert forecasts and possible solutions" was not chosen by chance. Through debates, the Club tried to attract the attention of specialists and the public to the problems of climate change, including on the African continent, and the search for approaches to solve them.

Representatives of the Association of BRICS Research and Educational Centers from South Africa, Brazil and India, as well as leaders of the African diasporas of Russia, scientists and professors of Lomonosov Moscow State University attended the meeting of the Russian-African Club.

The First Vice-President of the Russian-African Club, Dean of the Faculty of Global Processes at Moscow State University Ilya Vyacheslavovich Ilyin; the Chairman of the Russian-African Council, Ambassador-at—Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Head of the secretariat of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum Oleg Borisovich Ozerov; and the Deputy Head of Rossotrudnichestvo Kirill Sergeevich Bogomolov welcomed the audience.

During the meeting was presented the main scientific report to the Russian-African Club of the Director of the Museum of Land Studies of Lomonosov Moscow State University Smurov Andrey Valeryevich. The topic of his report was "Global climate change as a complex interdisciplinary problem".
The discussion of the report was attended by prominent experts in the field of climate change from Russia and Africa, such as: the Vice-President of the City University in Sadat – Egypt, Member of the Supreme Council and the community for the organization of the COP 27 climate change conference in Egypt Khalid M. Gaafar; the Secretary General of the Consortium of mining universities of Russia and Africa "Subsoil of Africa" Jarvis Boipelo Shirley from South Africa; and Professor of the Faculty of Global Processes of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Doctor of Historical Sciences Korotaev Andrey Vitalievich.

The participants of the meeting of the Russian-African Club came to the conclusion that African countries do not need costly energy transition schemes proposed by the global West, which are associated with wind and solar energy. There are cheap and effective solutions that can lead to the solution of energy problems on the entire African continent in the near future. For example, low-emission methods of gas generation, nuclear power, hydropower, which do not lead to the appearance of a carbon footprint. Russia has such technologies. Large-scale industrialization of Africa today is impossible without Russian energy technologies, which are less costly, environmentally friendly and do not affect climate change.

At the end of the Club meeting, the Executive Secretary Berdnikov Alexander Fedorovich announced plans for the development of the Club in the near future, as well as for 2024.

The Russian-African Club will take a direct part in the unveiling of a monument in Moscow to the African politician, fighter against the apartheid regime Nelson Mandela, the creation of a Museum of African Culture, the organization of practical activities of the newly established Association of Journalists of Russia and Africa, as well as hold a number of meetings of the Club and expand its audience.

The meeting also hosted the admission of new members to the Russian-African Club. 

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