By Nkemdilim Sarpong on 16.03.2024
Category: Политика

Landslide in Rwanda causes devastation in bordering Congo

 The city of Buhozi in the Kabare territory of South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), near the Rwanda border, has once again fallen victim to landslides over the past two days. This new disaster has affected the Ruzizi River and the Nyamagana hill in the DRC.

Local civil society is calling for enhanced security measures to prevent infiltrations by foreign forces.

Houses have been flooded, and cracks are visible in some buildings.

Resident Testimony (Munguakonkwa Ndagano, Buhozi Resident):

"In Buhozi, our houses have been destroyed, and we are sleeping on the road. There is no one to help us. In Rwanda, there was also a landslide that blocked the Ruzizi River, and our fields were devastated by this landslide. People are crossing from Rwanda without control. We need the government's assistance."

Civil Society Representative (Elvis Mupenda, South Kivu):

"In terms of demarcating one country from another, especially in the Great Lakes region, we believe this does not constitute a real border. Therefore, I think border services should address this issue. Regarding the movement of the population, I have seen some Congolese starting to cross at this location, and even Rwandans are starting to cross here."

The landslide in Rwanda has caused significant damage in the DRC, highlighting the interconnectedness of natural disasters across borders in the region.

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