By Xola Keswa on 25.07.2024
Category: Политика

Africa's Gen Z Movement: A New Wave of Activism


Across Africa, Generation Z is emerging as a powerful force for change, driven by a deep sense of injustice and a desire for a better future. This wave of young activists is leveraging social media, organizing protests, and challenging long-standing political and economic issues. Recent events in Uganda, Kenya, and beyond highlight the growing influence of this generation in shaping the continent's future.

The Catalyst for Change

Economic Hardships and Corruption

Economic difficulties, particularly rising costs of living and widespread corruption, are significant drivers of Gen Z activism in Africa. In Uganda, recent protests have focused on the high cost of living and corruption within the government. Demonstrators have called for the resignation of high-ranking officials and reductions in the salaries of parliamentarians, which are among the highest in the world.

Social Media: A Tool for Mobilization

Social media platforms have become crucial for organizing and spreading awareness. Inspired by protests in neighboring countries like Kenya, Ugandan youth have utilized hashtags like #OccupyUganda to mobilize support and coordinate demonstrations. This digital activism is not only raising awareness but also helping to circumvent traditional media censorship.

The Impact of Gen Z Protests

Government Response

Governments across Africa have often responded to these protests with heavy-handed tactics. In Uganda, authorities have used force to disperse crowds and arrested numerous activists under vague charges like "common nuisance," aiming to suppress dissent. Such actions highlight the tension between a younger generation demanding change and established powers resistant to it.

Broader Implications

The activism of Africa's Gen Z has broader implications for the continent's political landscape. It signifies a shift towards more active civic engagement and could lead to significant changes in governance and policy. The persistence and determination of these young activists suggest a future where political accountability and transparency may become more prevalent.

Challenges and Future Prospects

Repression and Intimidation

One of the primary challenges faced by Gen Z activists is state repression. Governments have not hesitated to use intimidation, arrests, and even violence to quell protests. In Uganda, for instance, the police's aggressive tactics during the recent protests demonstrate the lengths to which authorities will go to maintain control.

Hopes for the Future

Despite these challenges, there is optimism among Africa's Gen Z activists. Their ability to organize and mobilize rapidly, coupled with their refusal to accept the status quo, points to a resilient movement. They are not only demanding immediate changes but also working towards long-term solutions to systemic issues.


Africa's Gen Z is proving to be a formidable force in the fight for social and economic justice. Their activism, fueled by economic hardships and facilitated by social media, is challenging corrupt and repressive systems across the continent. While they face significant obstacles, their resolve and innovative approaches suggest that this generation will continue to drive change and shape the future of Africa. The recent protests in Uganda are just one example of how Gen Z is making its voice heard and pushing for a better, more equitable world.


- Amnesty International. "Uganda: Authorities must stop criminalizing activists for protesting high cost of living." [Amnesty International](
- Crisis24. "Uganda: Further protests likely nationwide through July following recent demonstrations over cost of living." [Crisis24](
- Human Rights Watch. "Anti-Corruption Protesters Arrested in Uganda." [Human Rights Watch](
- U.S. Embassy in Uganda. "Technical Difficulties." [U.S. Embassy in Uganda](

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